2015 Vic Christmas in July Case Swap

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I can't attach photo's to PM's, but here's a few I just took a few minutes ago. Don't worry, the place will be cleaned/cleared-out before the event...



Main fire pile, with supplementary combustables to the left.

That tarp (courtesy of Navarau!) is 13m long. The jerrycan is there for perspective.

Weather-permitting, it should go up nicely (as long as I can keep it covered!!!!).
got a couple of these things kicking around, just probably need a shrink ray-gun and we're good to go

right, I have managed to procure a 3x6mtr marquee thing with walls
droid said:
right, I have managed to procure a 3x6mtr marquee thing with walls
STIRLING EFFORT! That can have pride of place on the circular driveway. :super:
MartinOC said:
Curly, what do they look like & how big?
I have one with that is around 3mx3m. I'll try to get another that is around 3x6m.

I'm gonna have to pull out of this one. Got a few band commitments to sort out that weekend which couldn't be moved unfortunately. And I've been overseas for the last month and a half so haven't brewed anything (should have thought of that before signing up!).

Would love to still get a cube from the day if that's ok with everyone. Please let me know how much/when I can drop cube off/if you'd rather give my cube to someone else.
1. Idzy
2. DJ_L3tHAL - American IPA
3. Yob
4. Nullnvoid
5. Brewnut - Jaggery IPA
6. GrumpyPaul
7. mofox1
8. Tahoose
9. Curly79
10. Midnight Brew - The Explorer (Dark Ale III)
11. Technobabble66
12. MartinOC - Dunkeldoppelweizenbock (I've never made one, but I tempted Mardoo with the prospect, so I guess I'm committed..). However, current ambient temperatures up here are more conducive to lager fermentation & it's just gonna get colder.....
13. Whiteferret
14. Grainer - Californian White IPA
15. Droid - 20minute APA or urquell lager (whichever tastes better)
16. Black n Tan- 'Event Horizon' RIS (11.2% ABV, bottled 1/3/15)- the event horizon is the region from which there is no escape from a Black Hole.
17. AJ80 - Fake blonde? Nope, fake Brett
18. Husky
19. JB
20. Micbrew
21. Navarau
22. Damn - American Brown in damn PET bottles with 250g + hops
23. Bumma
24. poggor

Added Curly79 into Siborg's vacant slot at #9.
i am working on the saturday and grand daughter's birthday,and going to phillip island on the sunday
Allrighty, time to bite the bullet.
It's basically looking like i've got buckley's chance of getting a swap beer together in time :( and i haven't had a chance to even start on the beers from the last swap (except for the one that reportedly might explode - that one jumped the queue a bit).
So, I'm gonna pull my name out of the 2015 July Swap - sincere apologies if it stuffs anyone around. On the bright side, there's now a space in the list for any latecomers to join in the fun and excitement of Case Swapping! And the beers already listed look *awesome*!!

I'm def looking forward to catching up with all the regular faces, so I should still be able to attend and participate in the Big Brewday/Bummock - and I've just discovered Kinglake is only 45mins drive from mine!
So my plan is to drive upon the morning, help with the brewing (or just watch :ph34r: and cheer from the sidelines), enjoy a sip of beer or 2, then drive back to Rez in the (late) arvo before the snow sets in, hopefully with at least cube in the back keeping me warm :super:
So fwiw, i'd be able to give people a lift on the way there or back (to Reservoir) (times depending, of course).

1. Idzy - "The Repeat Offender" Rye IPA (Pitched at 22c, cold crashed after 1 day, ramped back up to 19c and whirlpooled, awaiting prim/sec/cc)
2. DJ_L3tHAL - American IPA
3. Yob
4. Nullnvoid
5. Brewnut - Jaggery IPA
6. GrumpyPaul
7. mofox1
8. Tahoose
9. Curly79
10. Midnight Brew - The Explorer (Dark Ale III)
12. MartinOC - Dunkeldoppelweizenbock (I've never made one, but I tempted Mardoo with the prospect, so I guess I'm committed..). However, current ambient temperatures up here are more conducive to lager fermentation & it's just gonna get colder.....
13. Whiteferret
14. Grainer - Californian White IPA
15. Droid - 20minute APA or urquell lager (whichever tastes better)
16. Black n Tan- 'Event Horizon' RIS (11.2% ABV, bottled 1/3/15)- the event horizon is the region from which there is no escape from a Black Hole.
17. AJ80 - Fake blonde? Nope, fake Brett
18. Husky
19. JB
20. Micbrew
21. Navarau
22. Damn - American Brown in damn PET bottles with 250g + hops
23. Bumma
24. poggor

Btw, are we settled on a recipe yet? or even the style? I think i saw Scottish Ale or Wee Heavy mentioned somewhere...
Tell me about it!! Gotta drive so no choice, sadly - I'm informed there's a very very important family function on that night.
I'll just have to savor small sips... And take my frustration out on my fridge when I get back later that night from the family thing.
Stu! Mate! I'm HORRIBLY disappointed! I already have "a piece of wood" with your name on it!! :ph34r: (for burning, of course.....).

What's stopping you preparing something for later consumption, or even a knock-out mild?

Go on...you KNOW you want to....
Swap beer update: this yeast may have very recently been reclassified from brettanomyces to some random strain of sacc, but is still without a doubt the most un-sacc tasting yeast I've ever used. Has made for quite an interesting brew and I hope you gents enjoy it.