Allrighty, time to bite the bullet.
It's basically looking like i've got buckley's chance of getting a swap beer together in time

and i haven't had a chance to even start on the beers from the last swap (except for the one that reportedly might explode - that one jumped the queue a bit).
So, I'm gonna pull my name out of the 2015 July Swap - sincere apologies if it stuffs anyone around. On the bright side, there's now a space in the list for any latecomers to join in the fun and excitement of Case Swapping! And the beers already listed look *awesome*!!
I'm def looking forward to catching up with all the regular faces, so I should still be able to attend and participate in the Big Brewday/Bummock - and I've just discovered Kinglake is only 45mins drive from mine!
So my plan is to drive upon the morning, help with the brewing (or just watch

h34r: and cheer from the sidelines), enjoy a sip of beer or 2, then drive back to Rez in the (late) arvo before the snow sets in, hopefully with at least cube in the back keeping me warm :super:
So fwiw, i'd be able to give people a lift on the way there or back (to Reservoir) (times depending, of course).
1. Idzy - "The Repeat Offender" Rye IPA (Pitched at 22c, cold crashed after 1 day, ramped back up to 19c and whirlpooled, awaiting prim/sec/cc)
2. DJ_L3tHAL - American IPA
3. Yob
4. Nullnvoid
5. Brewnut - Jaggery IPA
6. GrumpyPaul
7. mofox1
8. Tahoose
9. Curly79
10. Midnight Brew - The Explorer (Dark Ale III)
12. MartinOC - Dunkeldoppelweizenbock (I've never made one, but I tempted Mardoo with the prospect, so I guess I'm committed..). However, current ambient temperatures up here are more conducive to lager fermentation & it's just gonna get colder.....
13. Whiteferret
14. Grainer - Californian White IPA
15. Droid - 20minute APA or urquell lager (whichever tastes better)
16. Black n Tan- 'Event Horizon' RIS (11.2% ABV, bottled 1/3/15)- the event horizon is the region from which there is no escape from a Black Hole.
17. AJ80 - Fake blonde? Nope, fake Brett
18. Husky
19. JB
20. Micbrew
21. Navarau
22. Damn - American Brown in damn PET bottles with 250g + hops
23. Bumma
24. poggor
Btw, are we settled on a recipe yet? or even the style? I think i saw Scottish Ale or Wee Heavy mentioned somewhere...