2014 Vic Christmas Case Swap

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MartinOC said:
Stirling chap! Your blood's worth bottling (if only I didn't dislike bottling so much.....).
and its so hard to get the right level of carbonation on a bottle of "djarblood"
I do like a glass of "red" with my dead beastie-flesh....

Onto other things: FIRE.

I just checked the forecast for the day & it looks like a fire would be completely superfluous from a heating & comfort perspective (31C!!), so I guess it's just a habitual "Case swaps MUST have a fire", aesthetic kinda thang?

I provided the firewood for the July case swap & will do it again for this one, since I've got plenty of wood (Oer Missus! Insert earthy British humour, double-entendres etc...etc.. here). However, I'm thinking about amounts to bring down from Kinglake with all the other stuff I'm bringing.

Last time, I provided about 1/2 a trailer-load & there was still plenty leftover the next morning. I'd guess half that would be a good benchmark, given the weather.

Thoughts/comments (except from the ******** that literally threw an armful of logs at the brazier last time, resulting in "brazier-soccer" & "Everybody just CALM THE **** DOWN!!" from Yob)? Luckily, I was too intoxicated to take note of who actually did it (but not too pissed to save myself from being covered in red-hot coals!!).

I don't rabbit this much in person... Really......!!

Edit: I'd be just as happy to pay-off the idea of a fire completely, given previous experience & no particular "need" for heat.

Flame-suit donned (excuse the obvious irony of that...).
Ah yes fond memories of sitting on your bench seats and trying to juggle your toppling brazier until it landed upright on your concrete. Still can't believe that ended without it rolling down beside your house.
I can't believe that didn't end with Idzy looking a bit like a Fisher & Paykel.

I've heard that branding is all the rage in scarification. Or at least it was in 2003. Does that still count?
Runaway brazier? "Sigh" I always miss the exciting bits.
mofox1 said:
Yup, probably will again too... Can't stay for the evening. Boooo!
Not on MY watch it won't! I'm a provider of the finest braziers to the cognoscenti.

I'll have you know that my brazier has survived many a drunken party.
Gday- it will be my first time at one of these affairs- what time does it usually start/finish?
Could someone PM me the address?

Also, what food/drink etc would be good to bring?

How long is a piece of string?

The actual brewing kicks-off as early as Idzy wants-to (TBC). Folks rock-up at various times of the day, but most are there by lunchtime in order to get the nosebag on.

Finish? Does it ever?? Well, probably when the last person passes-out (or we run out of firewood).

Food should be pretty-much covered for everyone (I'm asking for a $10/head contribution).

Bring BEER!!!!

I'll PM you the address.
poggor said:
Gday- it will be my first time at one of these affairs- what time does it usually start/finish?
Could someone PM me the address?

Also, what food/drink etc would be good to bring?

Also, good idea to put yourself on the list as a non swap Attendee, just so Idzy has a grasp of how many to send details to
im on the list as a swap attendee bro. also, i am up into 19th spot on the cubers list so hopefully might get a cube out of it?! (i also don't own a cube, but that's a different story...)

George, hie-thee to Bunnings/Masters/BCF etc.. & grab a HDPE cube just in case you get a spot. Give it a jolly-good cleaning with Perc (ie. napisan) & chuck some starsan into it & bring it along. As has been mentioned, you never know what might happen at a case swap...
Gents, only one week out I want to confirm/finalise food stuff so there's no catastrophic up-cockage & lack of food on the day:

Nullnvoid - Spit & fuel (to be picked-up by Mardoo?)

Yob - Ribs (like, AS IF he doesn't rib folks enough as it is? Pfft!!).

AndrewF - Coleslaw & salady bits

Mardoo - Grandpitmeister/Superlative marination of dead animal flesh. Grain salad.

Djar007 - Chips & dips.

I think the only thing missing is bread(s) & sauce(s). I'm thinking Turkish (pide) bread might be a good idea for eating out of our hands?

I've got some (hottish) BB sauce, but happy for others to provide lots of variety.

So, I need a volunteer provider of appropriate bread.

Please let me know if I've got anything wrong above or if anyone wants to contribute something else/more.
Yep all over the salad (not literally relax) Also could someone PM the address.
Glassware not covered yet..

Last time we brought our own (mostly) and my suggestion, unless someone has a better idea, that we do so again.

I assume there will be the obligatory plastic cups for those who don't care to bring their own.

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