2013 Riwaka hops bad?

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I have brewed a tried and true recipe twice within the past couple months, and both times it has turned out horrible. Same system, same techniques. I thought maybe my process was bad the first time, so I tried again. Nope, same nasty result.

Has anyone else had issues with 2013 Riwaka or Super Alpha hops? VERY disappointing considering I had to order them from Austrailia and paid an arm and a leg. Not to mention I don't get to enjoy my favorite recipe!

Grains and yeast from northernbrewer.com, hops from craftbrewer.com. All stored appropriately.

Recipe is just a half batch (2.5 gallons), so amounts are small.

4 1/2 pounds two row
12 ounces Carastan
12 ounces melanoidin
4 ounces cara pils
2.5 gm Gypsum
7 gm Super Alpha first wort hop
7 gm Super Alpha 60 min
7 gm Riwaka at 45, 30, 15, 5 minutes
14 gm Riwaka dry hop 7 days
1 pkg Safale US-05

mash 152 degrees F
Super hard to describe, but maybe metallic? Reminds me or the time I decided to take an iron supplement. Ended up with a metallic taste in my mouth. It's not as noticeable when it's cold, but gets more obvious as it warms up a bit.
Have you made other beers in between that do not have this flavour? My understanding of metallic characters is that they relate to contact with iron oxides or indicate bacterial contamination. Dirty lines, rust in kettle, taps etc.
Not saying it can't be the riwaka/SA but have you eliminated all other variables?
I haven't used super alpha but I have used Riwaka hops and loved them. I got more orange blossom and marmalade flavours in my single hop pale, no metallic notes or anything even close to that.
I've made other good beers using same equipment.

I have made this beer 3 other times, and it was my favorite beer.

Hmm, I made a beer using Waiamea hops, and it wasn't all that great. I used this Super Alpha in that too. Sounds like it's time for a small SMaSH batch; maybe that will help. No Super Alpha as bittering hop. Hmmm...
I used Super Alpha for bittering over a few beers without issue.
Hang on, I'll sift through orders and see if I can work it out.

EDIT: Oops, my bad, they were 2013 Super Pride.
UPDATE: Hi guys! Well, I have good news. I let the Riwaka IPA sit for awhile. It turned out to be an OK IPA! It wasn't what I was expecting, but it's drinkable. The really good news is the Wiamea IPA I brewed turned out even better! This sat for quite a while, but I am digging into them pretty well now. Thanks for your patience with me and my questions. I guess time really does heal all wounds, even with beers. (well, MOST wounds)

HBHB: good to know about the high Myrcene levels. Thanks!

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