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This beer is not a true American IPA according to the BJCP 2015 guidelines...but Pirate Life calls it an IPA, so I figure it should probably go here. Let's call it a speciality IPA 
This recipe produces a reasonably accurate version of Throwback IPA. The recipe was formulated by me with some input from the head brewer at Pirate Life. My thread with the full story and brew log is here.
I've made this beer twice now and I'm planning a third batch with minimal changes to the recipe below. If you make it please let me know how it turns out! If you have recipe suggestions I'm also keen to hear them.
Recipe: Throwback IPA Clone v2
Brewer: schtev
TYPE: All Grain
Recipe Specifications
Boil Size: 25.96 l
Post Boil Volume: 23.96 l
Batch Size (fermenter): 18.00 l
Bottling Volume: 17.00 l
Estimated OG: 1.040 SG
Estimated FG: 1.011 SG
Estimated Color: 13.0 EBC
Estimated IBU: 35.4 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 95.8 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes
Amt Name Type # %/IBU
1.22 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (14.0 EBC) Grain 1 40.0 %
1.22 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (Thomas Fawcett) Grain 2 40.0 %
0.27 kg Carafoam (Weyermann) (3.9 EBC) Grain 3 9.0 %
0.18 kg Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann) (3.9 EBC) Grain 4 6.0 %
0.15 kg Caramunich III (Weyermann) (139.9 EBC) Grain 5 5.0 %
11.00 g Simcoe Bulk Brewing [13.90 %] - Boil 60. Hop 6 19.2 IBUs
15.00 g Cascade Bulk Brewing [4.60 %] - Boil 10. Hop 7 3.1 IBUs
15.00 g Summer (Summer Saaz) Craftbrewer [5.20 % Hop 8 3.5 IBUs
10.00 g Simcoe Bulk Brewing [13.90 %] - Boil 10. Hop 9 6.3 IBUs
27.00 g Simcoe Bulk Brewing [13.90 %] - Boil 1.0 Hop 10 2.0 IBUs
27.00 g Summer (Summer Saaz) Craftbrewer [5.20 % Hop 11 0.8 IBUs
18.00 g Cascade Bulk Brewing [4.60 %] - Boil 1.0 Hop 12 0.4 IBUs
0.8 pkg Safale American (DCL/Fermentis #US-05) Yeast 13 -
25.00 g Simcoe Bulk Brewing [13.90 %] - Dry Hop Hop 14 0.0 IBUs
25.00 g Summer (Summer Saaz) Craftbrewer [5.20 % Hop 15 0.0 IBUs
15.00 g Cascade Bulk Brewing [4.60 %] - Dry Hop Hop 16 0.0 IBUs
Mash Schedule: BIAB 05 Full Body (68.9C, 156F)
Total Grain Weight: 3.05 kg
Name Description Step Temperat Step Time
Mash In Add 27.82 l of water at 70.8 C 68.9 C 60 min
Mash Out Add 0.00 l of water and heat to 75.6 C 75.6 C 10 min
Target Water Profile
Ca 110ppm | Mg 18ppm | Na 16ppm | SO4 275ppm | Cl 50ppm | HCO3 0ppm | pH 5.24
This recipe produces a reasonably accurate version of Throwback IPA. The recipe was formulated by me with some input from the head brewer at Pirate Life. My thread with the full story and brew log is here.
I've made this beer twice now and I'm planning a third batch with minimal changes to the recipe below. If you make it please let me know how it turns out! If you have recipe suggestions I'm also keen to hear them.
Recipe: Throwback IPA Clone v2
Brewer: schtev
TYPE: All Grain
Recipe Specifications
Boil Size: 25.96 l
Post Boil Volume: 23.96 l
Batch Size (fermenter): 18.00 l
Bottling Volume: 17.00 l
Estimated OG: 1.040 SG
Estimated FG: 1.011 SG
Estimated Color: 13.0 EBC
Estimated IBU: 35.4 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 95.8 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes
Amt Name Type # %/IBU
1.22 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (14.0 EBC) Grain 1 40.0 %
1.22 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (Thomas Fawcett) Grain 2 40.0 %
0.27 kg Carafoam (Weyermann) (3.9 EBC) Grain 3 9.0 %
0.18 kg Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann) (3.9 EBC) Grain 4 6.0 %
0.15 kg Caramunich III (Weyermann) (139.9 EBC) Grain 5 5.0 %
11.00 g Simcoe Bulk Brewing [13.90 %] - Boil 60. Hop 6 19.2 IBUs
15.00 g Cascade Bulk Brewing [4.60 %] - Boil 10. Hop 7 3.1 IBUs
15.00 g Summer (Summer Saaz) Craftbrewer [5.20 % Hop 8 3.5 IBUs
10.00 g Simcoe Bulk Brewing [13.90 %] - Boil 10. Hop 9 6.3 IBUs
27.00 g Simcoe Bulk Brewing [13.90 %] - Boil 1.0 Hop 10 2.0 IBUs
27.00 g Summer (Summer Saaz) Craftbrewer [5.20 % Hop 11 0.8 IBUs
18.00 g Cascade Bulk Brewing [4.60 %] - Boil 1.0 Hop 12 0.4 IBUs
0.8 pkg Safale American (DCL/Fermentis #US-05) Yeast 13 -
25.00 g Simcoe Bulk Brewing [13.90 %] - Dry Hop Hop 14 0.0 IBUs
25.00 g Summer (Summer Saaz) Craftbrewer [5.20 % Hop 15 0.0 IBUs
15.00 g Cascade Bulk Brewing [4.60 %] - Dry Hop Hop 16 0.0 IBUs
Mash Schedule: BIAB 05 Full Body (68.9C, 156F)
Total Grain Weight: 3.05 kg
Name Description Step Temperat Step Time
Mash In Add 27.82 l of water at 70.8 C 68.9 C 60 min
Mash Out Add 0.00 l of water and heat to 75.6 C 75.6 C 10 min
Target Water Profile
Ca 110ppm | Mg 18ppm | Na 16ppm | SO4 275ppm | Cl 50ppm | HCO3 0ppm | pH 5.24