2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

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This is a photo of my saaz for some reason it is missing the top of its bine and is starting to shoot out small laterals does it still have any hope of producing anything this year? :unsure:

The tips snap off, get busted off, wilt off or eaten off... Wind, birds, hot weather, all manner of things...
The laterals will grow out and up to replace the the 'tip'. It is normal to have lateral growth and seemingly a lot of it. You also get cones on laterals.
Whether you'll get any cones, who knows? Let's say yes there is 'hope'.
hey newguy do you have any references to the soil temp thing?

No just observation of my hops. The three that get morning sun up to mid-day sun and the three that get sun all day go mad. The three that get only mid-day sun to sunset don't do nearly as well. I think that the key is the soil warming up early in the season but I could be wrong - it may be that they prefer morning sun.
I was wondering is it possible to keep your hop plants at a height of about 1.5 metres and still have them produce flowers?

Last year I picked heaps of cones that were only 1.5m off the ground...but that was because they had grown horizontally as well...perhaps bine length rather than height is something to think about?

All of mine grew well horizontally, but they also all had several bines that were able to grow vertically also. Of course terroir and all the other millions of variables etc etc etc
hops26August2011_001.jpg26th August 2011, Sazz on the left and Tett on right.
Hopsaaz_for_aussiehomebrew_24_october_2011_001.jpg24th October, Saaz now has 12 bines going up strings.Hopsaaz_for_aussiehomebrew_24_october_2011_003.jpgI'm using tie wire to keep wind from blowing bines together.
My little babies are going strong.
Had a huge issues with possums that were snipping the buds off the top of each bine. This has kind of stunted them all, but they are now getting back into the swing of their growth spurts.

They were all potted halfway through the 2010 season, so they had a bit of root growth ready to go for this season. Lots of bines are shooting everywhere!

Going from left to right we have:

2 x Herbucker
2 x Columbus (One has not yet popped - possibly DOA)
2 x Chinook (One has not yet popped - possibly DOA)
2 x Goldings
2 x Mt Hood

2 x Hallertauer (Further up the back)

The Field:

Mt Hood #1 & #2 - Just shooting but starting to come up fast.


Chinook #1:

Goldings #1 - You can see the effects of the possums, the left bine has split into two at the top.

Hersbuckers at the back, Both of these are charging along, easily 6-7 bines on each growing at alarming rates. The back one has reached the top at aroun 3.6 to 4m tall.

Hallertauer are trying to make an effort in the background - but they keep getting possumed.

All plants are starting to show some little grub bites through the leaves - not entirely too sure what these are yet.
they are looking good. didnt know possums like hops :p . Your garden is a tad bit rocky, nice slab of rock behind them
they are looking good. didnt know possums like hops :p . Your garden is a tad bit rocky, nice slab of rock behind them
Hey there again.. I have no hops to show but have been researching growing hops in the tropics and am going to give it a really good go in the next few months as I think they will grow like weeds up here if you add some artificial light early in the morning and late evening forcing them to flower. Where I am coming from was reading about possum attack... I have an organic garden that i eat out of and came across a site that may well be very helpful for these sorts of problems...http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=boddingtons&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CC0QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.boddingtons.com.au%2F&ei=h8unTtDmGeSjiAfc8aiLDg&usg=AFQjCNEa-bFHWHCLsGIvydWKkJhEmm536g
Also sell netting that is 10m by 2m for something like $7.50. I will be buying from these guys in the near future to protect my permaculture as much as i can. Hope this is helpful
My little fella's getting a bit yellow & spotty (my hop bine ya dirty bastard), anybody know what could be causing this?..... I'll post a piccy tomorrow if I remember.
My little fella's getting a bit yellow & spotty (my hop bine ya dirty bastard), anybody know what could be causing this?..... I'll post a piccy tomorrow if I remember.

My hop problems:
Some of the leaves are curling up for some reason?
Some just look like they are plain dying.
Some have been eaten by something.
Some also have yellow spots like you describe.

Crappy phone pictures:
My hop problems:
Some of the leaves are curling up for some reason?
Some just look like they are plain dying.
Some have been eaten by something.
Some also have yellow spots like you describe.

could be some salt burn from fertilizer? what have you used? I had some pretty ordinary looking leaves a bit like that last year but didn't seem to be much of a problem. possibly just the older leaves getting a bit old. there is the odd grub or two that like to have a chew but going for something like pyrethrum spray regularly is pretty safe and effective.
My little fella's getting a bit yellow & spotty (my hop bine ya dirty bastard), anybody know what could be causing this?..... I'll post a piccy tomorrow if I remember.

The whole plant or just part of it / one bine?

If you look at linky, the top half of one of my bines in the bottom right corner of the image are going yellow / spotty - This looks to be caused by a bine injury further down which seem to be cutting off some nutrients. I'm tempted to snip it off.
I have had a mould like that on melon and pumpkin plants.Totally killed my plants. Might have to use a spray. Is there a natural cure?

Try spraying milk. Milk will also feed you plants "stuff". :lol:
Another alternative is to spray sulfurous "bizo". :lol:
could be some salt burn from fertilizer? what have you used? I had some pretty ordinary looking leaves a bit like that last year but didn't seem to be much of a problem. possibly just the older leaves getting a bit old. there is the odd grub or two that like to have a chew but going for something like pyrethrum spray regularly is pretty safe and effective.

Used some cow manure and a tiny bit of blood and bone. One theory I heard was hops sprouting early and finding daylight hours are shorter than they expect, assume its winter and die back.
Used some cow manure and a tiny bit of blood and bone. One theory I heard was hops sprouting early and finding daylight hours are shorter than they expect, assume its winter and die back.

Man cows are useful! You can spray the hops with their milk, use their poop and their blood and bones. Useful animals! :D
Man cows are useful! You can spray the hops with their milk, use their poop and their blood and bones. Useful animals! :D

and dopnt forget those delicouse slabs of scotch, porthouse and rib eye now
and dopnt forget those delicouse slabs of scotch, porthouse and rib eye now

and gelatin, and the mrs' funtime mask, and...

i'ma go out to get me few cows - could be useful to have a couple on hand
My hop plants to date (all first year).

POR (1 shoot going great)


Goldings (3 shoots going great)


Cascade (Trying in a pot, slow going at the moment)


Hersbrucker (Been like this for weeks, was the end shoot of a rhizome, not sure what it's up to)


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