Received my first ever scoresheets back yesterday. The beers didn't set the world on fire but theres some very clear feedback that can be taken on board for next time. Scored an average of 31/50 for one of them and while that might be an embarrassing score for other brewers, I value the comments and mostly agree. Taking the tips received Im going to try the style again and see if I can bump up my score next time I enter. Once again, many thanks to those who made this event happen, I have the competition bug now so watch out in future when I aim to break my earlier scores
Hopefully it's in the post today, I'm just impatient when waiting for Comp results. Oh well... nothing I can do but waaaaaaaaait.
Oooh, that bad hey? :icon_vomit:I think your beers were that bad we had to burn the scoresheets to avoid infections ..
And if you get one with my name on it, IT WASN'T MY FAULT!!!
Thanks for the update Korev. I know, I'm impatient.Certificates mid next week they are currently in Nowra!
Got mine this arvo, Korev. How quick was that?!Update - The outstanding certs, gift certs and score sheets posted this afternoon.
Cheers Silo.Good one Pete, I didn't realize you were a winner. Looking at the results, I take it yours was the ESB.
If you entered other beers, what was your lowest overall score? If you want to share of course. Im pretty interested to know what other people got.