I'm hoping for lots of growth this year, I got a few more varieties this year so it will be interesting to see how well each of them do. I've got reasonable growth from everything so far, even the recent arrivals are getting off to a reasonable start with the exception of the cascade - it's still doing OK, but just not as fast as the others. Out of all the cuttings I took last year I didn't have much luck, I think I neglected them a little too much and they dried out. Maybe they didn't get enough growth in before the end of last years season. I have about 8 of them that might be viable...I'll have to try again this year I think.
One of the cascades, the rhizome was HUGE and it has about 20 odd definite shoots - hopefully some of them wll take as cuttings.
Last years Hallertau, getting off to a ripping start.
Last year's Cluster (caged because my cat is a bastard and he seems to have something against Cluster and POR), the only one I got a little harvest from, masses of rhizome there and so many buds I couldn;t count them. This one also sent runners out to the edge of the pot, so I trimmed them off and planted in the smaller pots you can see at the back.
New season cluster, hoping for the same performance from this one as last years one....
Chinook, new addition this year. Has popped up quite happily and growing well.
Pride of ringwood, also caged because of cat.... <_<
Smaller less vigorous POR, considering planting this one out along the front fence......
Hersbrucker, new this season still getting started.
The cuttings from last year, one POR with it's head out, the rest still thinking about it.....
So overall I'm hoping for forests of growth ......and LOTS of cuttings as well......
:lol:...I'm SURE my neighbours think I'm growing dope all over the place........I also have another cascade in a pot at the shop and you can see the look on some people's faces when they walk past that they're not sure and they're DYING to ask........think I might have to put a "NO I'M NOT A DOPE PLANT" sign on it :lol: