2008 Hop Plantations

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Mine are all in the ground on the outside of the 2nd section of the chook run so are well fertilised. I have something similar to these garden 'obelisks' that allow the hop bines to climb approx 3 feet off the ground before running across to the fence of the chook run to climb as high as they like.

Didnt want the chooks to eat the precious.
just a quick question how much water should i be using per plant in the first year
you'd be hard pressed to over water a hop but it can happen, i think barra overwaterd a rhizome and it died.

seriously just treat em like any other plant they are very hardy and hard to kill, just water it normally like you would say a tomato plant.
i have just been using 10L in a watering can and using it for 5 rhizomes
My hops are really starting to go gangbusters.
My wife thinks she can see them growing from the kitchen window.



Nice pics Doc, let's hope mine will grow nice and big too :)

Just transplanted my chinook into a bigger pot I just got to give it more room, hopefully it will survive the horror!
Your plants look fantastic Doc. I hope mine look like that in a month or two
I have Chinook planted out in the soil two weeks ago and Columbus still in a pot to get it going
you'd be hard pressed to over water a hop but it can happen, i think barra overwaterd a rhizome and it died.

seriously just treat em like any other plant they are very hardy and hard to kill, just water it normally like you would say a tomato plant.

yep i managed to kill two rhizomes from what appears to be overwatering too early , when i got impatient and dug them up they were all rotten lookin and soft , have left them in the pots to see what happens but im not confident... go easy on the water till it starts to shoot, having said that you dont wanna dry them out either
Cascade growers....

Is anyone else finding the cascade rhizomes are a lot more troublesome than the other varities?

My POR, Goldings, Cluster and Chinook are doing very well. I am giving the cascade the exact same treatment yet it seem to be frozen in time. I have one shoot about 10cm out of the ground that looks almost dead. I dug up the rhizome and its seem ok but not exactly healthy.

Am i destined never to grow cascade?
10-4 on that, i cant kill my chinook, no matter how hard i try, but the cascade is very tedious, it barely grew last season, and this year i think i can just see one little incy speck of green starting to emerge from the rhizome. Apparently they are a slow grower.
i have just been using 10L in a watering can and using it for 5 rhizomes

+1 on that - but with 4 rhizomes. Will be doing much the same when my 5th arrives (might go a little more depending on how hot it gets over summer).

Still waiting on my 5th due to a mail stuffup. Sposed to arrive 2 weeks ago. Should be coming any day now...waiting...waiting... might win the record for the latest planting.

Reckon hops aren't as thirsty as a tomato plant. If you don't water a tomato after a hot day the leaves go limp - doesn't seem to happen with the hops - these guys love the sun, as long as the root base and ground doesn't dry off too much.

Cascade growers....

Is anyone else finding the cascade rhizomes are a lot more troublesome than the other varities?

My POR, Goldings, Cluster and Chinook are doing very well. I am giving the cascade the exact same treatment yet it seem to be frozen in time. I have one shoot about 10cm out of the ground that looks almost dead. I dug up the rhizome and its seem ok but not exactly healthy.

Am i destined never to grow cascade?

Dr S,
mine is a bit smaller than the other three I have, but it doesn't seem to be growing all that fast either. I think someone wrote that they do grow a bit slower than most other hops. Maybe it needs some food?
Dr S,
mine is a bit smaller than the other three I have, but it doesn't seem to be growing all that fast either. I think someone wrote that they do grow a bit slower than most other hops. Maybe it needs some food?

Feed them every 2nd weekend. The ground i planted it in was a good mix of compost and soil. Maybe the warmer weather will give it the kick up the arse it is sorely in need of............
10-4 on that, i cant kill my chinook, no matter how hard i try, but the cascade is very tedious, it barely grew last season, and this year i think i can just see one little incy speck of green starting to emerge from the rhizome. Apparently they are a slow grower.

Tomatoes will always go limp on a hot day but should pick up in the evening when it cools. Going limp does not neccessarily mean they need a drink. Over watering tomatoes does them no good.

My Columbus has been out of the ground weeks longer than the Chinook (see pics above) and it seems to be frozen as well. Maybe the rhizomes of these slow ones were smaller and with less starter roots
my cascade took off but has now stalled and done nothing for weeks (first year plant, doing the same thing as my first years last year which is a pain), in my second year collection, my Columbus took off as well and did a metre in the space of a week or two, has now stalled, the cluster bided its time and now has three shoots doing 10cm a day, and the Chinook has done nothing yet.
My POR aren't doing very well at all. The lower half of the plants is badly sun burnt and wind-damaged :( The tops that get more shade are doing ok, but growth is definitely way slower. We're moving soon, so hopefully the new place will have a more suitable hop-growing space.
my cascade took off but has now stalled and done nothing for weeks (first year plant, doing the same thing as my first years last year which is a pain), in my second year collection, my Columbus took off as well and did a metre in the space of a week or two, has now stalled, the cluster bided its time and now has three shoots doing 10cm a day, and the Chinook has done nothing yet.

exactly the same my way too, second year plants are doing well, first year cascade's taking its time.
I'm hoping for lots of growth this year, I got a few more varieties this year so it will be interesting to see how well each of them do. I've got reasonable growth from everything so far, even the recent arrivals are getting off to a reasonable start with the exception of the cascade - it's still doing OK, but just not as fast as the others. Out of all the cuttings I took last year I didn't have much luck, I think I neglected them a little too much and they dried out. Maybe they didn't get enough growth in before the end of last years season. I have about 8 of them that might be viable...I'll have to try again this year I think.


One of the cascades, the rhizome was HUGE and it has about 20 odd definite shoots - hopefully some of them wll take as cuttings.

Last years Hallertau, getting off to a ripping start.

Last year's Cluster (caged because my cat is a bastard and he seems to have something against Cluster and POR), the only one I got a little harvest from, masses of rhizome there and so many buds I couldn;t count them. This one also sent runners out to the edge of the pot, so I trimmed them off and planted in the smaller pots you can see at the back.

New season cluster, hoping for the same performance from this one as last years one....

Chinook, new addition this year. Has popped up quite happily and growing well.

Pride of ringwood, also caged because of cat.... <_<

Smaller less vigorous POR, considering planting this one out along the front fence......

Hersbrucker, new this season still getting started.

The cuttings from last year, one POR with it's head out, the rest still thinking about it.....

So overall I'm hoping for forests of growth ......and LOTS of cuttings as well......

:lol:...I'm SURE my neighbours think I'm growing dope all over the place........I also have another cascade in a pot at the shop and you can see the look on some people's faces when they walk past that they're not sure and they're DYING to ask........think I might have to put a "NO I'M NOT A DOPE PLANT" sign on it :lol:
try living next door to a high school with teenagers. if i see one more student pop their head over my fence for a look im going to rip their head off and plant it. i can see whats going to happen to, old mate curiosity will team up with old mate looser, jump my fence whilst they are flowering and try and rip them, only when they get home they are not going to know what the **** they have ripped and prob throw it all out.

HOP signs sounds like a good idea dom.
My Columbus has been out of the ground weeks longer than the Chinook (see pics above) and it seems to be frozen as well. Maybe the rhizomes of these slow ones were smaller and with less starter roots

Interesting on the Columbus. Mine is more interested in growing outwards in a bunch than upwards. Maybe it's just the way they grow? Took a long time to take too, despite being in the ground longest as well.

Doesn't sound like as big a hassle as the Cascades. Maybe those ones like the cooler weather perhaps? They certainly grow a lot of them in Tassie and NZ?

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