2007 Hop Plantations

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My vines have died off and are just small lumps at the base :( still living,but I know SFA about plants, so I just cut them off and hope it will go again. <_<

Hey Bindi, if you want me to whack one between my grapevines to the left of the picture, I have made a trellis with the boy, some bamboo, fishing line and wire. Obviously all cones would be delivered on the 605 bus to your door. :D Can we make a lychee beer? It's going to fruit for the first time this year, but the mango has found the 2 hot weeks a bit tough...


Etid: Spellering
My Cluster hops are going mental, growing 6-8 inches a day now with several bines. Can't believe how fast it's growing, it's actually growing 1-2 inches overnight!!
On the 9th of this month....

and today...


The Hallertau (much smaller rhizome) is a bit slower on it..

Again on the 9th of this month ..

and today...


AMAZING plants, that's for sure....
My cluster has shot up 9 foot in the last 30 days with no shortage of new shoots following.
I raised the bar from fence height to 9 foot as I don't get any hops on the lower parts of the plant.
Once over the bar I grow them horizontally like the big farms do up in Central Vic.
With warmer weather this weekend I will give them a good dose of liquid fertilizer and watch them grow before my very eyes.

How are the rest of the hop gardens doing around the country?

- Luke

My POR is at about 3 metres......sadly though we are moving house in six weeks time so I have to chop it down, dig it up and take it with me.

Well a watched hop never sprouts so we went away for 5 weeks and now the cluster is up and running
but no sign of the Goldings.
Since its supposed to be impossible to kill hops, I must deserve some sort of ****y prize right?
Well a watched hop never sprouts so we went away for 5 weeks and now the cluster is up and running
but no sign of the Goldings.
Since its supposed to be impossible to kill hops, I must deserve some sort of ****y prize right?

Once established ....
She'll be right BF, it'll all come good. Just have faith in the beergods.... ;)
The one hop I ordered from Tassie was a total "no show" after 5-6 weeks,

It certainly was a miserable looking specimen and after a poke around to see what was happening it couldn't be found! :eek:.

My wife the (bless her) the gardening guru around here then got a hersbrucker and tardiff of ebay for me, it cost more, but the the roots are already well developed which increases the chances of success and I dont have to wait another year for another go.

Well a watched hop never sprouts so we went away for 5 weeks and now the cluster is up and running
but no sign of the Goldings.
Since its supposed to be impossible to kill hops, I must deserve some sort of ****y prize right?

Dont stress BF, neither of my goldings have sprouted, nor has my cluster re-sprouted after its premature sprouting during the frost season. My chinook which i got from Stuart in Tassie is 3 foot and counting. I havent planted them in pots so i discovered another shoot from the chinook trying to escape - it was nearly 1m from the plant so i dug him up and put him back where he belongs. Cascade was the tiniest rhizome ever and the most expensive and has done %#^$# all :angry: Think i got dudded.

Its still relatively cool at night in the hills so i wont be stressing for another few weeks yet.
Cascade was the tiniest rhizome ever and the most expensive and has done %#^$# all :angry: Think i got dudded.

Dr....you still havent fessed up about where you got it from?
I put a Tardif down a week ago (late purchase from our eBay friend). I thought I was asking for trouble putting it in so late, but it's coming along really well. The main bine has only grown from 13cm to 16cm, but there are 5 other bines further down that seem to be doing well. All are just starting to sprout really healthy looking (and legally dubious, to the eye) leave.

I'm thinking of cutting back the two shortest bines, and letting the other 4 grow up 2 strings in pairs. Does this sound like a reasonable plan?
I took the advice of someone on this thread and cut the early growth back in my Hallertau and Perle............. and I have yet to see anything pop up since :angry:
I took the advice of someone on this thread and cut the early growth back in my Hallertau and Perle............. and I have yet to see anything pop up since :angry:
It's pretty common to cut back early growth. When was it cut back? I'd personally want to avoid completely cutting back (unless it was *really* early, like June/July), and would probably leave one or two bines to do their own thing if we're looking at August or later (I'm in Sydney - I'm not going to have problems with frost).

Then again, I'm a complete newbie, so what I think probably counts for squat! :D
Dr....you still havent fessed up about where you got it from?

Cascade was the smallest but i have been assured its time will come - none of the hops i have got from Cannabacae have done anything/much - sometimes it pays to be patient and remember than i live in the hills and its till damn cold at nights. The only thing growing is weeds and the chinook..........

Its probably a good thing that only 1/5 hops is growing as i havent rigged up anything for them to grow on....!

Got the cascade from a swap organised by Cannabacae. They have been sold on ebay as well. Will be happy to swap next year providing i can work out how to take a cutting and get it to grow - maybe that green house i bought will come in handy after all.

Not sure why i am expecting growth/sprouting - of the 26 chilli seeds i put in my green house, not one has popped thru the soil....
Not sure why i am expecting growth/sprouting - of the 26 chilli seeds i put in my green house, not one has popped thru the soil....

Eeek! Thats not a good track record. Are you using seed raising mix - or just regular old soil?
Here is a pic of my Hersbrucker that went in around late July . Sprouted straight away and then stopped and has looked the same now for a month and a half .

Anyone else watching their hops doing similair??26102007_Hers.jpg
Eeek! Thats not a good track record. Are you using seed raising mix - or just regular old soil?

Seed raising mix - i know why they arent sprouting - its too $%&^%& cold at nights. Chillis need a min average soil temp of high teens, low twenties. I should move them inside, top of the fridge but laziness has prevented me thus far.

If i had thought about it more, i would have planted the rhizomes in pots until about now so they were up and running before planting them into he ground.....
Here is a pic of my Hersbrucker that went in around late July . Sprouted straight away and then stopped and has looked the same now for a month and a half .

Anyone else watching their hops doing similair??View attachment 15648

Yes, my Columbus looks pretty much the same as that & its in its 2nd year. It started out with about 6 shoots that got to between 1-4 inches then grew no further. I cut back all but 2 about a month ago but nothing has changed since.
Interestingly last year in its 1st season it did the same but late in the season it started to climb & got to about a metre before the season ended.

1 of my Cluster plants is starting to pick up its stride now after doing pretty much the same as the columbus. Its now got 3-4 thick purple shoots steaming ahead. This was a cutting from the original & is in its 3rd year now.

My original cluster plant (3rd year) is dismal, 2 shoots all of 1/2" tall & going nowhere fast.

2nd year pearle is a no show. As is another cluster cutting that would have been 3 this year.
Got the cascade from a swap organised by Cannabacae. They have been sold on ebay as well. Will be happy to swap next year providing i can work out how to take a cutting and get it to grow - maybe that green house i bought will come in handy after all

Growing from cuttings is too easy. You just need to snip off a shoot, stick it in a cup with the stem submerged in water for about a week until roots sprout then whack it in the ground.