100% Rye Ale

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That is a god question!

my preference would be for 3068. None of the dry yeasts come close IMO. I found the Danstar Munich to be nice but it still had an apple tartness that i personly dont want in a wheat type beer. I love the soft babanna and mild clove of 3068.

my 2c worth :)


+1 on the yeast stuff, rye and 3068 mmmm uuumm.

but not being a god, what would I know :lol:

crash chilling this now after finishing @ 1012, i probably could get another couple of points if i racked it but bugger it.
going to sample a taster of this today, viscous and earthy is what i'm expecting.

my luck, it will taste like the spot in the back yard where you change the engine oil :D

G,day Yardy, just wondering how your 100% rye beer turned out. I'm drinking my first attempt at a roggenbeir right now (50% rye) and really like it.

I had a thought last night........... and yes it hurt!

I was doing a bit of thinking about the Roggen i am planning to brew........... may not end up being 100% rye but will be big at around the 1.065 mark with rye and dark wheat.

Any way....... with recipe still relativly undecided i did decide on a yeast.

I have scrapped the 3068, used a couple of times already.

But i do have some 3787 Trappist high gravity!

I recon a Roggen would go well with a belgian yeast. Im going to give it a go.

Will call it a Rye/Wheat Dubbel!

any thought folks?

G,day Yardy, just wondering how your 100% rye beer turned out. I'm drinking my first attempt at a roggenbeir right now (50% rye) and really like it.


Gday Clay,

glad you're enjoying the roggen, what yeast did you go with ?

i've had a few little tasters, but haven't given it much of a go, I'll dedicate a glass to it this arv.

i'll post a pic and a quick review :chug:

what a waste of time that was :icon_vomit:

i've been having little samplers and hoping that this would improve, nuh uh.......

absolute shite, for any of you that have ever drank Kava (sp), that's pretty much the mouthfeel, very gritty.

talk about earthy :blink: , mud more like....

anyway, I'm not too pissed about it all, at least i know there's not a mash that the super manifold can't handle ;)

oh well yardy, at least now you know. Can you still blend it with your other beers? I ind a bit o roggen goes with anything
hey clay, missed your post

nah mate, it went straight in the compost, chooks seemed to like it :)


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