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  1. stephen

    Hag 2008 Xmas In July Case Swap!

    Unfortunately I'm going to have to pull out the case swap. Sorry for late notice. Regards Stephen 1. Loftboy - Fat Bastard Ale (Scottish Export 80/-) 2. Schooey - Weizenbock 3. Pok 4. Peve 5. Leeboy - Munich Dunkel Wyeast Munich Lager yeast 6. Shmick - Aussie Winter Warmer strong ale 7...
  2. stephen

    Hag 2008 Xmas In July Case Swap!

    Consider No 9 filled in. This time I'll endeavour to ensure I don't produce the tripe I made last time - and keep infections out! If Tony reconsiders his position and wants No 9 position back the I'll gladly step aside and let him have it. Regards Stephen
  3. stephen

    Hag Christmas Case Drinkin'

    Well, looks like something bad has happened to my brew. The last couple of stubbies I had left over didn't seem too bad apart from the fact that the fermentation temp got away from me. My most sincere apologies for an inferior product that was thrust upon my fellow brewers. I will definitely...
  4. stephen

    Hag Christmas Case Drinkin'

    Tony You are quite correct in the assumption that this was fermented at a rather high temp - actually got up to 26 before I could muster some control over it - unfortunately damage was already done. As for over carbing I find it quite difficult to believe as it was bulk primed at 60 gm after 2...
  5. stephen

    Bye - Bye, The Beer Guy

    Keith Must concur with all the other post re your appointment as brewer at Potters. The group I had visit the brewery about a fortnight ago had no idea that good beer can be made so close to home. All the best Stephen
  6. stephen

    Hag Xmas Case

    Unfortunately, due to a missing ingredient, I will have to change my entry from a Spitfire clone to an English Pale Ale, Sorry folks. 1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale. 2. Offline - Style undecided as yet 3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner 4. David L - American IPA 5. Keith -...
  7. stephen

    Hag Xmas Case

    Oh, Forgot to add the link to the style guidelines: BJCP Style Guidelines ENJOY! Regards Stephen
  8. stephen

    Hag Xmas Case

    As Bigfridge says above there is a scoresheet for BJCP user to use to improve judging skills. For the new, have a look at the style guidelines (daunting as it may seem) but have have a go at the score sheet and see how (a) your judging skills go and (B) how your beer is. Do not get frustrated if...
  9. stephen

    Hag Xmas Case

    Updated the list... 1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale. (Either that or another ale/prototype for the HAG 2008 brew). 2. Offline - Style undecided as yet 3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner 4. David L - American IPA 5. Keith - wheat/alcohol/belgian/alcohol monstrosity; 6. Scotty -...
  10. stephen

    Hag Xmas Case

    Mark The correct time is 1330. No colon!!! If you really want to get technical it would be 151330LDEC07 or 150230ZDEC07. Stephen
  11. stephen

    Hag Xmas Case

    If any one else is looking for longnecks let me know - I have boxes of them in my garage. Secondly, I have convinced the Bull and Bush Hotel, Medowie's drinking hole, to sell James Squire Golden Ale through theire bottle shop. I'm still working in some other styles but at least I've started...
  12. stephen

    Nsw Xmas In July Case 2007 - Consumption

    I know that this rather late, but if you knew my job, then this is a quick response. Thanks for the review and the positve evaluation. I'm rather stoked that you liked my beer. Regards STEPHEN
  13. stephen

    Nsw Xmas In July Case 2007 - Consumption

    Just sitting here tasting Petesbrew Dark ale. Gave the glass over to my daughter to have a sniff and the result was just as I thought - It has this wonderful aroma of Tia Maria! This became even more so as the brew warmed up. Top Job Petesbrew. A beautiful brew- almost like a port. For all...
  14. stephen

    Where To Get Grain In Fnq?

    Another bloke you could talk to is Mark from Mark's Homebrew. His phone No is 02 4969 6696. He does mail orders - don't know cost but talk to him, has an excellent range of grain and hops and other bits and pieces. Cheers Stephen
  15. stephen

    Nsw Xmas In July Case 2007

    There will be no product recall!!! It's only the packaging that is erroneous - the contents are still my version of Belhaven Scottish Ale!!! Kindest Regards Stephen
  16. stephen

    Nsw Xmas In July Case 2007

    I made a bit of a mistake when I bottled - I just did my normal numbering instead of what was requested; ie I should have a '16' on the lid instead of '100' and 'BELH'. The 100 is the number of brews I've doen in Newcastle, not the numbaer of all grain. BELH - Belhaven. Regards and pleasant...
  17. stephen

    Stories From The Hunter

    RAF 617 Squadron revisited...
  18. stephen

    Bye - Bye, The Beer Guy

    Will definitely be there to see Keith off to a new and brighter future (I've seen the equipment at Potters...It's shiny and Bright!!!) Regards Stephen
  19. stephen

    Nsw Xmas In July Case 2007

    1. Thommo 2. Josh - German Pilsner - WLP800 - drink 20/07 onwards. 3. davekate - Honey Pilsner - (K-97) - bottled 14/04/07 - ready to drink 4. Barramundi - Robust Porter - US 56 - bottled 26/5/07 5. Slurpdog - Choccy Porter - US 56. Bottled 7/4/07 so yeah, it'll ready 6. redbeard - Pale Ale -...