Well i got through a few today.... working around the house on holidays needs a few beers to wash down the dust and sweat.
First up was Stephens English Pale Ale No. 24.
IU poured this beer cold into a glass and it was a bit over carbed. It frothed over the edge of the glass for a while so i just let it settle down on the drip tray. I de capped the secong half to let some fiz out. On first sniff i picked up a smell i king of dont like in beer. It reminded me of when i started brewing and firmented with kit yeast at high temp..... that hot firmentation smell. it sort of traslated into the taste too. I thought....... its cold..... let it warm up so i went and shoveled sand into the kids new sand pit with my old man and came back to it. Its was still cool but more like the temp it should be for an EPA. Some of the haze was gone but not all but i dont think haze is a problem. I cant see it once i drink it. The taste was still there. I did some serious sniffing to see if it was hops ect but it still cam back to that character im not keen on. I finnished the bottle and it was a well made beer, nice bitterness, malt ballance, smooth mouthfeel but it just had that taste. Id be interested to know what yeast and temp this was brewed with and at?
No.25 Ms Thirsty Wench - Dark Ale.
Poured this cool as well to start and got a beer the same colour ar Tooheys old and very clear. very impressive apperance. The head faded to almost nothing fairly quickly but that could have been my glass. It was very light boddied.... almost thin si id say this is where the head went. Perfect carb, light and smooth roast character with some residual sweetness which holds the bitterness up well in the light body. well ballanced. It has a dusty taste in the background that i got all the way through the bottle as it warmed up. Not sure if it was hops or yeast but i think it was both. I could pick up some light hops in there and i think some yeast character added to it but it was definatly a dust flavour. Other that that it was a great beer that was drank and enjoyed. Once again i would be interested to know hops and yeast in this beer.... was it brewed with Nottingham?
No. 21 Poc - Golden ale thing
I cracked this one and had a sniff and liked the aroma from the bottle. It was fresh, clean and aromatic. Poured it in a clean glass and the beer was well carbed.... perhabs a tad low, clear and aromatic to the nose. The head didnt last long and on first tasting i was presented with the memory of extract brews. Was it an extract brew Poc? It had that sweet slick finish you get from malt extract, and none of the grainy wholesum mouthfeel you get from a mash beer. The beer was well ballanced, but tending towards the hops. My first taste saw green hops in the mouth but after that it was very nice. clean, crisp and flavourful. didnt hold much of a head but was a good beer non the less. Well done.
Thanks for tha bees folks.......Its great to sample other peoples wares.