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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. chadjaja

    Equipment For Sale 4 tap keezer/urns/mill/chiller/kegs etc Melbourne

    Long time no post. Hence I've finally decided to move on my keezer and all grain equipment. From just a quick look stuff doesn't seem to move very fast here now. Before I take heaps of time to photograph it all I'll just put up a description to gauge if there is any interest in my gear...
  2. chadjaja

    Melb - 3x Chest Freezers For Sale

    I have friends with a shop closing down and they have 3 chest freezers to get rid off. All three have been used to store meat etc. One has been painted a delightful :blink: shade of purple. (Batman theme maybe LOL) Would hold 3-4 kegs and holds a solid minus 2 degrees although they say its...
  3. chadjaja

    To Keg Or Not To Keg? Xmas Getting In The Way!

    I've got an apa in secondary thats had a stack of galaxy flowers sitting in it since Sunday. Normally I'd leave it for a further 7 days then keg. BUT will be gone from xmas eve till I'd say the 28th..... Pushing over 10 days.... Going to be a hot weekend too so I lose the ability to monitor...
  4. chadjaja

    Melb-need A Mill To Get Started? Marga Setup For Sale.

    What I'm hoping for is someone starting out in AG who wants to buy a cheap mill and be able to take part in the Melb grain buy in turn. Buy the mill and then you can buy some sacks of grain on the cheap! Meet me on the grain pickup day, part with $50 cash and go home with your grain and Marga...
  5. chadjaja

    New Harvest Hops Just Released For Sale This Morning. Hopsdirect

    Better get in quick for the Amarillo I hear this year. Bit pricier than previous years too. I normally use Nikobrew as the postage is HALF of what hopsdirect is but might bite the bullet and put in an order at lunchtime. So its up to 7 pounds in the flat rate box for $50 right? I might...
  6. chadjaja

    Anyone Need Two Geelong /wc Prelim Tickets?

    I've got two reserved seats for Saturdays prelim in the top deck of the great southern punt road end forward flank. Q8 if you are interested. Sat there last week and not bad seats on top of the action. Not interested in scalping for greedy dollars. Would rather some fan go support their...
  7. chadjaja

    Whats Too Much Roasted And Chocolate Malt In A Porter

    My laptop has died along with all my beersmith recipes? :( I had a lowish end og vanilla porter planned but can't remember my %s of spec grains. Al I have in the dark end is chocolate and roasted barley. Too much roasted brings with it problems and just want a lowish end porter. Looking at...
  8. chadjaja

    Biggest Boil Volume You Have Done In A 40l Urn.

    The topic title says it all. I've done a search and still didn't the the answers I was after. I have a 40L Birko urn and yesterday did a 32L boil which is a bit more than normal as I normally only brew keg size volumes. The urn still had a lot of headspace and if you are on the watch with a...
  9. chadjaja

    Herald Sun -vb Cops It In Taste Test.

    VB very bottom in beers survey. Yet another mega swill article in the Herald Sun today with VB really getting canned by those interviewed. Just goes to show with the stats on sales for VB that those that like it drink a LOT of it. The online article doesn't have the score box or the comments...
  10. chadjaja

    When Do You Start Planning Your Vicbrew Entries?

    I should be doing my Belgian Trippel entry next week so its got a bit of age in it before Vicbrew. But for bottled entries such as APA's etc when you do plan on bottling and conditioning? Also can I submit entries in Champagne bottles? From what I can read in the entry rules there seems no...
  11. chadjaja

    12 Month Old Pacman Yeast Starter

    hmmmmm what to expect. I had a small bottle of pacman yeast from a year ago second gen. Usually I can step up the amount in these pet 250ml bottles into a 1L starter in a flask on my stir plate and get the desired pitching rate. This yeast looked pretty dark though. Thought what the hell...
  12. chadjaja

    Decptive Weight Of Gas Bottle Nearing Empty.

    I have a party next Sat and I'm putting on two kegs. Still need to carb up another two kegs of mine before that too.. Well I thought my gas was getting REAL low and was worried about the thought of it giving away half way thru the night leaving us beerless.... :( :( :( Don't know if its...
  13. chadjaja

    Course For K&k For $180?

    I take it from the fact that Brewcraft is running this course its only kit and kilo with some overpriced finishing hops? Also they actually call the guy running it 'interesting' so I assume its the talkative guy from the Richmond store too. Two part course, $90 a session is a bit steep when...
  14. chadjaja

    Keg Wont Dispense.....?

    I'm setting my cuz up with a new keggerator. Last night he calls and says he has the final bit of kit to get it going. So he hooks up the reg and connects the gas and beer connects, sets the gas to pouring pressure and ........nothing..... And then we try to problem solve bit by bit..over...
  15. chadjaja

    Best Way To Take Pre Boil Gravity?

    A while ago I put too hot a wort into my hydro tube and melted the sucker. So at the moment I sparge into a cube, elevate the cube and rack it into the boiler via hose. I then give the lot a slow stir to make sure all the runnings mix and give me a consistent gravity. Then take the temp...
  16. chadjaja

    Difference In Hop Aroma For The Same Variety.

    I've got three lots of Amarillo in the house now and all three smell quite different in their own right. All three smell fine and have the characteristics of Amarillo I'd expect but quite noticibly all different. All three are 09 crops about 9%AA from US crops too. I guess the only thing I'm...
  17. chadjaja

    Fermentis Yeast Price Increase.

    Taken from the US homebrew board and Austin homebrew. With the Aus dollar booming some of our products should be cheaper but nothing has really gone down. Wonder if our guys will absorb the price increase or pass it along like the talk of the US, I'd hope we don't see a price increase as its...
  18. chadjaja

    How Far Have You Pushed Total Volume In A 30l Fementer?

    Just wondering how many litres you have crammed into your fermenter without it resulting in a sticky mess. Obviously I wouldn't push it with a wheat beer but I'm looking at doing some batches as close to the 30L mark as I can. Just having a think about the types of beers and yeasts that I...
  19. chadjaja

    Dynabolt Stuck In Marga Mill. Removal?

    I put in a dynabolt to run my mill from a drill and should of used a tougher bolt. Well the head is rounding already. I want the damn thing out now but I can't get the end piece to spin off even after holding the main bolt with pliers and trying to unscrew the bolt out so I can get to the...
  20. chadjaja

    Concentrated Boils For Bigger Batches And Beersmith?

    I've got a shiny new mash tun thats basically double the size of my old one as I scored it cheap and I was sick of doing tiny batches of Belgians due to limited mash space. Its occured to me I can do larger batches of my normal beers too LOL I have a 40L urn and with my evaporation rate and...