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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. N

    FS MELB: Ball lock kegs

    Now that my significant other and I have bought and moved into a new place, I should get rid of my surplus gear. I have for sale 6 kegs holding pressure. $70 each. Not Chinese knock off kegs, purchased from the USA 5 years ago. Barely used since. All gaskets and poppets were replaced at the...
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    Homemaker Chest Freezer Suddenly Not Working

    Hi Guys, Long time no visit! Uni life has driven me away from the hobby for a couple of years, but with less than a year to go I will hopefully be back into it again in the not too distant future... I have a problem that needs some attention though. My keg chest freezer (no collar, just pluto...
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    G&g Artisanale #4

    Hi guys, After 18 months of not brewing, I'm getting back into it. Yeah yeah, I know, what was I thinking taking so long off? Suffice it to say I had plenty of **** going on hence my absence from the board for 8 months. It's time to get the stocks up so I purchased an ArtisanAle #4 from Grain...
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    Old Style Pilsner

    Here's someone's take on it: Old Style Pilsner
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    Bloody Boilover!

    I haven't brewed in any way, shape or form since April this year and decided to at least get the stocks up for the heavier summer drinking season. Enter the TCB Wetpak I won in the recent The Country Brewer raffle (thanks Shawn). There I was doing my first "kit & bit" brew in almost 3 years...
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    Prawn Marinade

    This marinade is great for BBQ prawns, scallops or any seafood, but I've only used it on prawns. 150mL olive oil 1 lemon 3 sprigs dill 3 tbs sweet chili sauce 1 dash balsamic vinegar 2 cloves garlic salt & pepper to taste Place the juice and zest of one lemon into a large bowl. Add in the...
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    Hop Monster Ipa

    Ok, so it's time I did myself a highly hopped beer. This is a first for me inspired by several awesome IPAs recently. I'm going to use the hop mixing method whereby I'll weigh the 3 varieties and mix them all together. At each addition I'll add the appropriate mass of the mix. What do you think...
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    Theakstone's Old Peculier

    I stumbled across a recipe on the greenboard a while back and decided today that I'd like to do an overnight mash and early finish a beer tomorrow. The original recipe called for: 7.5lb MO 1lb Crystal 60 0.5lb Torrefied Wheat 0.25lb Black 1lb sugar 1oz Fuggles boil 0.75oz Challenger 15mins...
  9. N

    Nasa Burner Leaking Gas

    As a follow up to a post I made in the "Nasa Burner Jet Size" thread, I found out that there wasn't any bung in the outlet end of the braided hose to start with. I decided to get use some teflon tape for the threads as I suspected that's where the leak was - well, the leak is actually from the...
  10. N

    Finally Have Fridges!

    I managed to score 2 fridges on eBay yesterday and today - one fridge/freezer combo which will become my serving/conditioning and yeast/hop storage vessel, the other number which has no freezer will become the fermenting chamber. I can finally put all of my kegs to proper use :beer:
  11. N

    All Amarillo Apa

    NRB's All Amarillo APA A ProMash Recipe Report BJCP Style and Style Guidelines ------------------------------- 06-A American Pale Ales, American Pale Ale Min OG: 1.045 Max OG: 1.056 Min IBU: 20 Max IBU: 40 Min Clr: 9 Max Clr: 28 Color in EBC Recipe Specifics...
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    Interesting Observation

    I noted something a few minutes ago whilst browsing. I'm highlighted what I am interested in in the attached image. I find it rather unusual.
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    Nrb's Avatar Lasts 2 Days On Brewboard

    Those seppo's are too damn precious! My avatar was removed from their board without notice, but a signature added This code is Looks like I've joined sosman in avatar infringement. I never set out to offend anyone, but seriously, we're talking a cartoon here with absolutely no nudity...
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    My Next American Pale

    I thought I'd have a crack at another American Pale style tomorrow, and there's no Cascade in sight. Advice on my recipe would be appreciated and I'm going to use the slurry from my last batch, a light porter. ----- Boarders' Brew #9 - American Pale Ale (Hellfire) A ProMash Recipe Report...
  15. N

    Millipore "sterile" Filters

    I purchased a Millipore 'sterile' filter and 2 micron SS stone on Saturday for aerating my wort prior to pitching my yeast. Unbeknownst to me, I managed to pitch my yeast without airstone aeration. The wort trickles in from my CFWC so this at least adds some aeration, but I bought the...
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    Boddington's Pub Ale Clone

    I was speaking to a mate of mine over the weekend and it turns out he's been thinking about brewing for a while. With 5 November 2005 being introduce a friend to homebrew day, I figured the opportunity MUST be taken to bring another into the HB world. After living in England for a while, he's...
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    Calculating Attenuation

    Gents and lady, I feel stupid asking this as maths was a strong point when I was at school, but I've been trying to calculate my yeast's (SAFale S-56) apparent attenuation in my first AG brew. I've searched the forums, but can't find an answer. According to JJ Palmer, apparent attenuation can...
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    My First Ag Brew

    Well, I finally hit my first AG brew today and as expected things never go as planned first attempt, right? :blink: Here's the recipe I wanted: Boarders' Brew #5 - American Pale Ale A ProMash Recipe Report BJCP Style and Style Guidelines ------------------------------- 10-A American Ale...
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    Recently a group of guys from my car club visited the "U-Brew-It" crowd in Geelong to create some homebrew. Attached is a picture of the fermenting room... imagine the music emanating from all those airlocks. Magic. I have no affiliation with UBI blah blah blah...
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    Please Comment On My Last Kit Recipe

    Guys, This is probably the last kit I'm going to do. I've decided after 2 kits that I wanted to do AG and have been building my equipment steadily for a couple of months. I did my first brew in November 2004 (Brewcraft Mexican Cerveza) which was quite apalling. Next up was a "2 can screamer"...