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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jayse

    Cow @ Brewboys This Saturday

    COW are a Adelaide original band popular and regular at The Wheaty and we are lucky to have them back for the second time at Brewboys this Saturday the 4th of June. Also on tap launched just last week Galactic Pale, 6.5% around 65 IBU, full malt frontage and backbone and hopped to high hell...
  2. jayse

    Brewboys 3rd Wurst Day Of Your Life

    Sat 7th May 2011 - 3rd Annual Wurst Day Of Your Life Come and try an array of wurst from 5pm with house band Blue Mandrin playing live 6.30 till late. Serving three different wursts in rolls with saurkraut, mustard and sauce availible following the huge wurst off. Vote for your favourite...
  3. jayse

    Good Brew Friday

    Three brewers brewing at Hatchy's, Hatchy's not brewing so he is cleaning bitch. Kieren brewed a 1.073 new world IPA, Columbus, Riwaka and Galaxy throughout the boil with Galaxy and Riwaka through the Blichmann HopRocket, 80IBU. Spilt through three yeast, Wyeast 1098 , wyeast 1371 and wlp 061...
  4. jayse

    Adventurous Randall Stuffings.

    Thought I'd start a thread about using food stuffs in Randalls (or whatever you want to call them). Last year I was pretty impressed with the inner melbourne crew and there mini randall jobbies but actually can't recall to many of them, Saison and cum quots sp? I recall and being awesome but...
  5. jayse

    The Norfolk Hotel Fremantle

    Not a review as such but more a heads up for stout lovers. Brewboys - Ace Of Spades went on tap at the Norfolk this week, its a pretty exclusive batch being a bigger stout again to what you would have found in the bottles over there and is only availible at the Norfolk on tap (or on tap at the...
  6. jayse

    Ranga @ Jolly Miller

    I had a few beers at a joint earlier and after a quick choof wrote a little story about it here it is.... I had been advised there was a beer at the jolly miller called a red ale something something one night by a punter at brewboys, on questioning he didn't know what it was or from who...
  7. jayse

    Brewboys Spit Roast Lamb Roll Night

    link Sat 20th Feb. 2010 - Spit Roast Lamb Roll Night Blue Mandarin are back, bringing their swingin' jazz sounds to Brewboys from 6pm on Saturday 20th. To celebrate, Simon is putting on a rotating spit with lipsmacking lamb, and serving it up for you in rolls with salad and condiments. Come...
  8. jayse

    Recipedb - Rust In Pale Ale

    <div class='ipsBox clear vcard' id='recipe_card'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed ipsLayout ipsLayout_withleft ipsLayout_smallleft clearfix'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs ipsLayout_left' id='recipe_tabs'> <p class='short photo_holder'> <img...
  9. jayse

    Adelaide, Drinks With Batz Tonite!

    Just a heads up, yeah late notice but Batz is in town and we have a session planned for this afternoon/evening at brewboys. Any and all brewers welcome to come down 151 regency road croyden park, bring a sample if you can. Cheers Jayse
  10. jayse

    Woolshed Brewery

    I was in the riverland for a couple gigs with a band and had planned on fitting in a tour of this brewery saturday. Firstly friday arrive in remark for the first gig at the renmark hotel and find our accomdation is upstairs so Immediatly release I will not have to drive for the rest of the day...
  11. jayse

    Recipedb - Skunk Fart Bsaazanator

    <div class='ipsBox clear vcard' id='recipe_card'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed ipsLayout ipsLayout_withleft ipsLayout_smallleft clearfix'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs ipsLayout_left' id='recipe_tabs'> <p class='short photo_holder'> <img...
  12. jayse

    Brewboys Charger Lager Launch

    Heads up all you groovy cats! This friday the 13th of march this is the place to be, details on the flyer here pretty much says it all.
  13. jayse

    RecipeDB - Skunk Fart XLCR

    <div class='ipsBox clear vcard' id='recipe_card'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed ipsLayout ipsLayout_withleft ipsLayout_smallleft clearfix'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs ipsLayout_left' id='recipe_tabs'> <p class='short photo_holder'> <img...
  14. jayse

    RecipeDB - Skunk Fart Ale

    <div class='ipsBox clear vcard' id='recipe_card'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed ipsLayout ipsLayout_withleft ipsLayout_smallleft clearfix'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs ipsLayout_left' id='recipe_tabs'> <p class='short photo_holder'> <img...
  15. jayse

    Jayse In Sydney Feb 9-11

    Hey Trendsetters, Been AWOL for awhile, anyway late notice and all but if anyones interested in catching up for a beer saturday, sunday or monday I'll be pub crawling around the traps during the days. Will be hitting acer Arena saturday and sunday nite but will be spending the day time on the...
  16. jayse

    Mountain Goat Goodies At The Wheatsheaf!

    News from the Wheatsheaf>>>> I gather I'll see some of you drunkards beer lovers there on those dates.
  17. jayse

    Lobethal Bierhaus

    Went and checked out the new lobethal brewpub on saturday for a couple hours and must say its fantastic, everything single thing is perfect. The beers on the day were heffeweizen, APA and porter and each were spot on, classic examples of the styles. With the APA they aren't affraid to put it...
  18. jayse

    The Greatest Album Of 2006

    Ok I'am sure a few brewers will read this thread title and say this must be another drunken jayse music thread....anyway the title says its all. We did this last year so I thought WTF lets go again. I can see some brewers are gunna name drop ten or so albums but be aware no one gives a ****...
  19. jayse

    Sydney People Lock Up Your Beer.

    Good day New South Welshman just a quick message to say i'll be coming over early next week for around 10 days of beer antics with a mate who's living i believe in the liverpool area. I have a small list I'am currently putting together of must see beer joints which I'll post later tonite so if...
  20. jayse

    The Greatest Bar Stool Ever!

    The one on the rights for my arse If I had any friends I'd buy a few. Also need a clock to tell me when its beer oclock....wait beer o'clock is when my eyes are open, scratch that.