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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. amiddler

    Autolisised Yeast

    So I brewed a Coopers clone with the yeast out of a 6 pack as I have done a few times before but this time the yeast growth wasn't as good whilst growing it and I under pitched into my wort. Possibly about half what I have had in the past. The beer has bad Autolisis, tastes and smells like a new...
  2. amiddler

    Who Needs A Braumeister When They Can Have One Of These?

    That got bought up somewhere in the last thread about it. I don't believe my Avatar is part of that system. Unfortunately it's not mine either. :lol:
  3. amiddler

    Who Needs A Braumeister When They Can Have One Of These?

    Oh No, You didn't open that can again did you. Now there's going to be worms every where. It got a little air time around 3-4 months ago. From memory isn't it an extract based system? Drew
  4. amiddler

    Hop Replacement

    What a PITA.
  5. amiddler

    Hop Replacement

    Nice response Nick :P I can't see it having a big impact on flavour. The down fall of high AA hops is if you are out on your weight by 2-3 grams it has a hell of a difference on your IBU. Drew Edit: Nick will get the joke, I hope.
  6. amiddler

    A Reliable Fonts

    Check out the sponsors at the top. I have bought 3 fonts and have mates that have bought 3-4 each as well. Only come across one that was faulty and it was swapped/fixed/taken care of straight away. I would recommend any of the retailers you will come across on this site they all put customer...
  7. amiddler

    How Many Bad Brews Have You Made?

    Surly the flavour would be different not bad? 30+ you drink to much B) I must be over the 100 mark and the only bad beers now are ones that I add things that shouldn't be there! Like adding a whack of Tettnang to my last light beer. Ever sucked a tea bag? No, well come taste my light ale! Drew
  8. amiddler

    Wort Started Fermenting In Cube ?

    The very last time I N/Chilled this happened to me. At best I would have said it smelt like a can of Baked Beans that had spent a few weeks in the sun. As others have stated, ditch it cube and all. Drew
  9. amiddler

    Alcohol - How Well Do You Recover?

    So many variables. Do you eat before you drink, during your drinking, after drinking or never at all? How hydrated are you prior to drinking? Pure H20 that is, coffee and tea don't count and do you slip in a glass of water every 2-3 beers. I went out on the town with the boys last weekend and...
  10. amiddler

    Drsmurto's Golden - Misers Version.

    This my friends is why home brewing and home brewers are so good. 2 people that have possibly never met sharing goods and services. 'Graham, head over and steal all the Doctors secrets then take over the world, HAHA, HAHA.' :ph34r: Jokes, Drew
  11. amiddler

    Brew Stand Height

    Hang in there Crusty, tell yourself "It will be worth it in the end." Drew
  12. amiddler


    I have a subscription to Beer Magazine and love it, just a pitty it only comes out every 3 months and not every month. 4 issues a year just isn't enough. If you haven't read a copy before it is about the beer scene in Australia and New Zealand and not just about home brew or craft breweries...
  13. amiddler

    Ordering From The States Question.

    Which catagory does Nev fit in? I know I'm a child. :ph34r:
  14. amiddler

    First A/g Run This Morning

    I too like to brew early as to not run into unexpected :icon_cheers: circumstances. Last week I was all done and washed up by lunch, One day off and had things to do after lunch :icon_drunk: so Strike water started heating at 5:45. It's a great hobbie and very rewarding, stick with it fellas. Drew
  15. amiddler

    10 Min Apa No Chill. Thoughts?

    Almost makes me want to get out the cube again and give one a go. Passionfruit Station here I come. Drew
  16. amiddler

    Upright Fire Extinguisher

    It does displace oxygen but just the gas on it's own doesn't give you much bang for your buck. You get the liquid out of the extinguisher which turns to gas quickly and displaces alot more oxygen quite quickly. It also has a cooling effect on the fire so 2 birds 1 stone. Drew
  17. amiddler

    Upright Fire Extinguisher

    An extinguisher is the same as any other cylinder as long as the dip tube is removed. You want C02 gas in your beer not liquid C02. If the dip tube is still in the extinguisher just turn it upside down. Drew Edit: Kelby, As above the dip tube in a standard extinguisher sucks up the liquid C02...
  18. amiddler

    Totally Unrelated To Brewing.

    I'm surprised that no country has trained monkeys to fight as an Army yet. There's probably not enough monkeys left in the world to make an Army anyway. Drew
  19. amiddler

    Mashmaster Mill

    Is Mashmaster still making the old style 3" roller model or just the "Mini" version? I'm glad I grabbed the 3" when I did. Drew
  20. amiddler

    First Ag In The Glass!

    I find after a big session I produce alot of Methane, Does that count?