You are an incredibly valuable resource

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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I just wanted, before my account hopefully gets deleted, to remind you how valuable of a resource you are. The skills, knowledge and expertise you hold is worth a considerable amount, both to the brewing community and to companies who commercialise your ideas.

Some companies spend considerable sums of money paying people to come in for focus groups to see if a product will be successful, here a question gets asked and the information is provided for free.

Many companies give their product to people for free to enable testing prior to releasing to the broader market, here people pay for a product and then provide advice on improving a companies product. When questioned online, in the first instance they discredit the person saying that it is the way they use the product, only to months later incorporate the recommendations.

They even have dedicated threads for you to post in so they don't have to pay someone to monitor what is being said about their product online in many threads. I bet this company/ies laugh at how freely and willingly you give up valuable knowledge only to pay them for the privilege through the purchase of their products.

Please value your skills and knowledge and stop giving it up for free to commercial enterprise