Yet Another Vb Article

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That was just too painful to try and read all of the comments.......

Fosters/CUB could have scored way more brownie points by saying they wanted out as they didn't want to be associated with irresponsible sales(service) of alcohol foisted on the public by Coles/Woolies.

Lets see if 'Colesworths' can bring the price of RTD's down to pre 'drunkard' tax prices...wonder how long the Govt would take to step in on that one??
Funny, off topic but it was the controversy over RTDs that got me into home brewing. I was a cask wine drinker and it looked like Kev was going to bring in the equal alcohol tax thingo and send casks up to $40. I thought bugger them I bet I could make alcohol for a dollar a litre, so I got a fermenter, four kilos of sugaz, yeast nutrient, ginger from the Indian shop.... and made a lethal ginger beer alcobase that I tricked up into alcopops.

Then I thought, hey I wouldn't mind a stout.... went to the LHBS. Then I wondered if there might be a forum on brewing where I might meet like minded people and who knows maybe a couple of acquaintances and social connections... and the rest is history. I always reckoned I had a misspent youth but as my Dad would put it I'm currently enjoying a misspent oldth. B)

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