Xxxx Edges Out Vb As Our Favourite Beer

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Deer Park.Victoria
Victoria – Australia's entertainment capital, home of our best bars and restaurants and some of the world’s best coffee

But not, it seems, the home to Australia's best beer

The banana benders have snuck in under Victoria's guard to become the home of Australia’s favourite beer with the once maligned XXXX.

According to the latest Nielsen ratings XXXX now accounts for 12.4% of the Australian beer market, just edging out VB, which sits on 12.3%.

It's a big turnaround from last year when VB accounted for 13.6% of the market, and XXXX took 11.7%.

A spokesman for XXXX says the mid-strength beer’s turnaround is a result of young Aussie men embracing a healthier alternative to full strength beer.

"The mid-strength dynamic has clearly allowed Australians to find greater balance, which allows them to face up to those realities of modern-day pressures," he told News Ltd.

Now we're not saying this has anything to do with the fact the NSW Blues, who have gone without a series win for six years, are sponsored by VB.

Or the fact that Queensland's all conquering Maroons are sponsored by the new kings of the beer market.

But that can't be a coincidence, right?

Australia’s Favourite beers
XXXX Gold 12.4 per cent
VB 12.3 per cent
Carlton Draught 9.3 per cent
Tooheys New 7.1 per cent
Tooheys Extra Dry 4.4 per cent
Carlton Mid 3.8 per cent
Carlton Dry 3.3 per cent
Corona Extra 3.1 per cent
Pure Blonde 2.6 per cent
Hahn Premium Light 2.5 per cent

Wonder where they did this survey. :blink:
Favourite and biggest seller are very different in my opinion.
Wonder where they did this survey. :blink:

not a survey, sales figures.
at the local woolies when their restocking xxxx comes out on its own pallet, 3 or 4 rows high,

good beers come out in single boxes and not always weekly....

ocker bogans drink more beer than anyone one ever said it was good beer. xxxx might stand for f#*k, it might stand for ****, they'll still drink it.

My brother drinks TED, was having a whinge on the weekend about the change in flavour when they dropped the abv, still drinks it though,

blew his mind with an AG czech lager, but nothing gonna change, thats the mentality craft brewers are facing.

Be thankfull that you and I know better......mmm sounds like a song....
The other point is - whilst I try to educate those close to me - family & friends - about better beer, with varying success (my brother says "tried a lot of craft beers - they're all meh - and more expensive than <insert Eurolager>" - I can understand, Dan's craft offerings can be a bit bland at times) - do I want the average ocker, bogan suddenly clueing onto craft beer?

This might sound classist, but realistically, beer's image (quite a lot of it self-promoted) is that it is a swillers drink, made for Daz, Gaz, Shaz or Baz to knock a dozen of them over in a night, belch like an impacted bullock and recycle the next day as VB. Taste, flavour or quality are not high on their agenda.

If I drink craft beer, and someone sees me a. with a glass, not just a stubbie and/or b. if I can't get a glass, a stubbie of something without a canary yellow or bottle green label (or in a clear bottle) - they are immediately going to think "he's drinking something different" - and differentiate me from the pack.

I don't care about being differentiated from the pack, because I'm self-obsessed (I'll leave that to Corona drinkers with their lemon poking out of the bottle) - I want to be differentiated from the pack, because I drink beer not as an exercise in overconsumption of a poor, cheap, badly tasting, industrially produced drink, but because a well made beer is a tasty, complex drink born of its creator's care and creativity in it's own right and I wish to consume it for flavour and in moderation.

Wine can be the same too, but I prefer good beer. If there is no good beer, and I don't feel like anything else, I'll drink water. I did at work's Melbourne Cup function last year.

So my answer is - leave megaswill to those who drink it to get drunk. Let the craft beer (and brewer's effort) be left for those who appreciate it for what it is.

Interesting reading, but I would struggle with any of those....

Gotta love this comment from the website:

Oki doki of Carlton Posted at 11:59 PM May 29, 2012
The real mystery is how they get the cats to squat over so many bottles...... A shocking drop... Only surpassed by 3.1% of sadists drinking corona.... That is enough to drive a man to drink!

GOLD! :lol:
Favourite and biggest seller are very different in my opinion.
Yep... even more so when it comes to "best" and "biggest selling".

I'd imagine Australia's biggest selling car is not exactly the best car in the world...
Yep... even more so when it comes to "best" and "biggest selling".

I'd imagine Australia's biggest selling car is not exactly the best car in the world...

Corolla is pretty close - though cars are a bit like beer - what is good is contingent on what is wanted out of a car.
I wonder how many litres get drunk at lang park every game.
They only sell XXXX gold as far as I remember..
I wonder how many litres get drunk at lang park every game.
They only sell XXXX gold as far as I remember..

I think a lot of sporting events are like this. I went to a local event and you could only drink Hahn premium light or XXXX. I think they try to curb alcohol fueled violence, or try to make as much money out of it as possible.
They were selling only VB Gold at one point, but the punters just fuelled up outside and then refused to buy anything in the stadium - as you would do.
On the way back from Sydney on the XPT last year it was an overnight trip, nothing to see, boooring and the bar only serves mid / light beer and little plastic bottles of wine. You are limited to two drinks per hour ( there used to be a bit of loutish behaviour apparently so they nipped that one).

So I survived by tanking up at the Railway Buffet Bar at Central (you really must visit that bar, $4 schooners of Reschs Draught and it's straight out of the Edwardian era, even the guy with the white shirt, waistcoat and bow tie behind the bar) then on the train as soon as they opened the bar I steadily sank XXXX gold stubbies and wine for six hours. Staff didn't bat an eyelid, even had the wine bottle out for me on the hour as I was drinking a rather cheeky little red. :p

Did the trick, Rocklea before I knew it :lol:
That's the only time I've ever knowingly drunk Gold.
Favourite and biggest seller are very different in my opinion.
That's totally true, I know numerous people who buy their beer based on price alone, and mid-strength XXXX is cheaper than most anything else.
Cool... you take a Corolla, I'll take a Maserati.

So will I - when my non-existent wealthy rich benefactor gives me the billions I'm entitled to :p

Unfortunately, they're few and far between, which is why Corollas sell more than Maseratis.

At least the disparity in price between good and rubbish beer is small enough to place good beer in the reach of the average person.

What's the deal....... No RIS's, ESB's, Bock's, Strong Ale's, Barley Wines, IPA, Tripel's etc. More like "We surveyed 100 hand bag whipped soft cocks and these are the types of flavourless dribble their wives or mothers will let the drink when they are allowed too have something a stronger then milk from a bowl on the floor!"
What's the deal....... No RIS's, ESB's, Bock's, Strong Ale's, Barley Wines, IPA, Tripel's etc. More like "We surveyed 100 hand bag whipped soft cocks and these are the types of flavourless dribble their wives or mothers will let the drink when they are allowed too have something a stronger then milk from a bowl on the floor!"
I don't think you quite understand tribal mentality, "I drink what my mates are drinking, so they don't think I'm different/less of a man"

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