Xmas Ahb Case

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The Xmas Case has Happened.
a few probs with Aus Post - but the swap was done.
Big thanks to Wee Stu for his work and efforts making his place available as a drop off sorting house.
Thanks to Kai who helped out with the case sorting as well.

Now the fun part... :chug:

Whoever tries them first should start a new topic to review them...
From what I saw of the excited gathering of case collectors today -- there will only be empty bottles under the tree for Santa this year. Well maybe they will leave one bottle for the old bloke.

From what I hear Ken you better get a delivery truck for next year. :)

Would you like some sought of Belgian knock off for next year?

Next years Xmas case is open to suggestions.

BYO just did a santa xmas clone recipe feature.

There were 13 recipes - we could all choose a diiferent recipe and brew in may so that they can age and be ready in Dec 05.

Just an idea.
Boots, JSB, TDA, Crispy - I have your cases waiting for you, just call or PM me to arrange pick up.

Mrs stu says soon please, something about wanting her home back ;)

Pint of Lager - might be Thursday before I get yours posted - but they are coming, OK?
I sampled a few beers this evening but im in no position to give advice and technical comments etc...

I didnt mind the ******s left arm and the arafat ale was nice but its not my favorite style of beer.

Personally i enjoyed the American Pale Ale from Boots

I wouldnt mind hearing some more opinions of the beers.

Merry xmas... hicup
Arafat Ale?? :eek:

At a pub (Beer Circus, Croydon) I've been visiting recently they had a red/white teatowel over one inactive tap. It was covering the whole tap, with an elastic band around the top to hold it on. They'd stuck a picture of Arafat's face on the front, over the teatowel in the position where the tap clip would normally be.

I never asked whether it was a serious tribute or not....
hahaha :lol:
sometimes things are best left quietly silent. ;)

big d
kook said:
Arafat Ale?? :eek:
Arafat Alt actually. ;)

Was brewed on the day he shuffled of this mortal coil.

I too, liked Boots's APA. Great example of the style. Great aroma as well. What were the bittering hops in that one Boots?
Other than that have tried Poodz Pale which I think was a kits and bits brew and not too bad at all. Also tried IanD bitter, quite refreshing but a bit too much diaceytl for my liking.

Cheers Guys - I haven't tried any yet. Saving them till I'm on leave next week.

THanks for the compliments but they should mostly go to Jayse, it was based on his SFPA recipe which is in the database.

I changed it for partial mash as I'm not allgrain yet:

There were 4 Hop Additions 60, 15, 5, 1 - and each addition was equal amounts of Cascade, Santium, Crystal. I then dry hopped with Cascade only which then dominated the hop profile ...
Just remembered, my recipe is in the database as "Boots Pale ale" only I had to list hallertau as one of the hops wasnt in the ingredients
Saving mine for under the tree.
But, Boots did leave me an additional APA longneck as an early Xmas present, and a very refreshing drop it was too.
Also had a spare bottle of GMK's Barley Wine in the cupboard. Really needs winter and an open fire as company, very warming. Don't operate heavy machinery after drinking this ;)
Although not a member of the AHB Xmas case club, I just tried Boots APA today and displayed a great hop aroma. If you luv cascade, then Boots APA is a classic. Caused me to go to the freezer and get a whiff of my cascade pellets- mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I've knocked off lager's lager. It met my expectations.
The Vienna lager was most excellent...

Very malty....

Very Tasty....
Loading up the beer fridge with the spoils from the SA xmas case - when tragedy strikes - ******s left arm IPA falls and takes Jazman's Scottish with it !!! smash to the concrete floor !!! spewen !!! Bought a 6er of Kingfisher (on special) and smashed one to the floor and the entry hall about 2 hours later....(mental note stay off the piss !!!!)

So any left boys ????

Jason (very angry)
JSB said:
- ******s left arm IPA falls and takes Jazman's Scottish with it !!!
But did jazman's label survive? It's a collector's item for sure ;)

You're in luck. I still have two WLA IPA left and in the spirit of the season I can spare one. Besides, I've given AnthonyMac enough of a hand to knock off the rest of the brew.

Can't help with the Scottish though.

At least this proves the case which disappeared from my porch last night went to the right place ;).

I thnk you drew the short staw and have only one of Iand's sea and anchor also (it's what happens when you leave things til the last minute :p

Have you read the small print on the Kingfisher - brewed under license in New Zealand. Been a while, and memory plays funny tricks, but I reckon she ain't as nice as the original Indian drop.
With the labes Jaz has provided, i would have thought you could drop it from a 2nd storey window and the bottle wouldn't have broken.

Someone has to get a photo of it and put it in the beer labels thread ;) Top work Jaz :)

I havne't opened a single bottle yet - put them all in the fridge the other night and am ready to cut loose on them starting tomorrow.
mine are waiting til after xmas now - once the exteneded family has all left and gone home
I couldnt resist cacking open Jaz's beer (drinking as i type), the label just caught my eye brilliantly.

I like it btw, good job Jaz.

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