Time to order Wyeast. Let me know if you want anything specific for your next brews.
Private collection is:
3942 PC Belgian Wheat
Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Profile: Isolated from a small Belgian brewery, this strain produces beers with moderate esters and minimal phenolics. Apple, bubblegum and plum-like aromas blend nicely with malt and hops. This strain will finish dry with a hint of tartness.
Metric Temperature Range: 18-23 °C
3333-PC German Wheat
Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Profile: A highly flocculent German wheat beer strain that is the perfect choice for use in Kristallweizen. This yeast strain produces a beautiful and delicate balance of banana esters and clove phenolics similar to the popular Wyeast 3068. However, this strain will sediment rapidly, resulting in bright beer without filtration. The balance can be manipulated towards ester production through increasing fermentation temperature, increasing the wort density, and decreasing the pitch rate. Over pitching can result in a near complete loss of banana character. Sulfur is commonly produced, but will dissipate with conditioning.
Metric Temperature Range: 17-24 °C
3191-PC Berliner Weisse Blend
Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Brettanomyces, & Lactobacillus blend
Profile: This blend includes a German ale strain with low ester formation and a dry, crisp finish. The Lactobacillus included produces moderate levels of acidity, and the unique Brettanomyces strain imparts a critical earthy characteristic that is indicative of a true Berliner Weisse. When this blend is used, expect a slow start to fermentation as the yeast and bacteria in the blend is balanced to allow proper acid production. It generally requires 3-6 months of aging to fully develop flavor characteristics. Use this blend with worts containing extremely low hopping rates.
Metric Temperature Range: 20-22 °C