Hi Spork,Hey Steve, just checking if you're still doing pickups from your place or shipping only now?
I have some coming in this week. It is definitely getting tight.Thanks for the prompt reply
Other question is how are you going with 25kg dextrose bag stocks?
I'm keen to get some neutral alcohol done for the apocalypse (will be making all my heads and tails into sanitiser for work), but everyone else is very sold out and I can't find anyone locally doing 25kg bags of white sugar :/
It is time for a Wyeast Order.
If there is anything that you need let me know and I will order it from the States fresh.
Hi Vic,Hi Steve,
If available,
1 X 1882-PC Thames Valley Ale II
1 X 1087-PC Wyeast Bohemian Ale Blend
1 X 2001-PC Pilsner Urquell H-Strain
Hi Paul,Hi Steve
Can you add 2x 1272 American Ale II to my previous order if not too late
Hi Paul,Hi Steve
Could you alter my order to the following if no too late
1 x 2278
1 x 1084
2 x 1028
2 x 1272
If too late no problem
Hi PhilRob, Your yeast Arrived.Hi Steve,
WY3068 please.
Thanks, Rob
Hi Outback, Your yeast has arrived. Cheers SteveCan i grab one each of
Thanks Steve.