Wubba lubba dub dub!
Somehow the teensie tiny wire connecting the sensor chip *inside the probe* decided to break last brew. :huh:
Going to need another one of these:

A Pt100 RTD probe from Auber, 1.5" probe, 1/2" NPT fitting.
Anyone got a spare lying around, or want to combine postage with some other items from Auber?
Also the dollar is a bitch right now.
Edit: Location for combined postage option - eastern burbs melbourne.
Going to need another one of these:

A Pt100 RTD probe from Auber, 1.5" probe, 1/2" NPT fitting.
Anyone got a spare lying around, or want to combine postage with some other items from Auber?
Also the dollar is a bitch right now.
Edit: Location for combined postage option - eastern burbs melbourne.