WTB an aeration stone on a tube

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Boston Bay Brewery
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Does any one know if you can get these in Australia from an Aussie supplier.

Aeration Stone

Could you just silver solder an air stone sold buy the sponsors onto a piece of stainless tube?
Batz said:
Could you just silver solder an air stone sold buy the sponsors onto a piece of stainless tube?
I probably could mate but I don't have an oxy set since we moved into the new house. and **** I miss it sometimes... :unsure:
If any retailer or site sponsor carry these I would be happy to receive a PM with the details.
Thanks Spiesy,
I just had a look at that and it appears that it is a piece of s/steel tube with a stone fixed to it by a piece of plastic.

Unfortunately that is what I am wanting to avoid...the piece of plastic to join the tube to the stone.

I have tried a threaded stone with a John Guest fitting and it is not really suitable as there are too many little crevices for gunk to hide in.

I have tried the s/steel tube with a small piece of beer line and a stone with a barb and that is much cleaner but the barb can fall off when I boil the assembly for sanitising because the plastic gets soft.

I would like to buy off a local if possible but may decide to go to More Beer in the USA if absolutely necessary.
give a length of 1/4" copper pipe a go and try crimping or soldering the airstone to it
dicko said:
Thanks Spiesy,
I just had a look at that and it appears that it is a piece of s/steel tube with a stone fixed to it by a piece of plastic.

Unfortunately that is what I am wanting to avoid...the piece of plastic to join the tube to the stone.
That is indeed what it is.

I have had no problems at all with mine so far. It goes into the wort, then rinsed off promptly with hot water, followed by a soaking in Star San and allowed to air dry.

What you're after does sound better though.
I want to get one of these as well. It is hard to get the aeration stone to sit at the bottom of the fermenter when it is on the end of some beer line.
tiprya said:
I want to get one of these as well. It is hard to get the aeration stone to sit at the bottom of the fermenter when it is on the end of some beer line.
Save yourself a few dollars & tie a stainless steel "sinker" to the end of your beer line. Too easy! ;)
Yeah, I might try that first - maybe my girlfriend won't notice if I steal some cutlery for the job...
Rod said:
good place for an infection

hard to sterilize

I dunk mine in starsan after use while still bubbling (important, you don't want that stuff entering the stone and blocking the pores), pull out, dry with paper towel, blast with flame torch then wrap in aluminium foil.
Before next use remove foil and blast with again flame torch.

Too easy!
While I'm sure I haven't done it in as many brews as most of you, these days I chuck most of the tubing and airstone in the wort about 15 mins from the end of the boil (at the same time as I put in the chiller coil) to sanitise them. I'm yet to have a problem, and I started a recent thread on the Coopers Forum here detailing a very inexpensive way for aeration. I haven't done it yet, but I'll be getting a $6 HEPA-quality air filter (and several replacements as well) from Keg King since I'm pretty anally retentive, and including that in the airline just below the one-way check valve.

I know the smaller sized hole stainless airstones are better, but I don't have an autoclave and atm can't justify the extra money - I'm generally just using what I have on hand.
