would like to know what happened to my topic on torrified wheat

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I would like to know what happened to my topic on torrified wheat

somebody in admin must have deleted the topic

maybe a PM to tell me why
actually it was on soaking crystal overnight in cold water

it had some wheat in it
As predicted, it's been removed at the request of the Federal Police ForumWatch Division.

The title "Steeping 200 Crystal Meth...." was just too good to miss.

Mods, over to you...
i read the thread last night there wasn't a problem with it. but over night some spammers got in and took it over so it was cleaned. I've asked what happened to the thread as i can't find it.
The spammers should be Torrified.

To recap, TW is usually added as a mash adjunct, as there are no enzymes in the crystal to convert it. Unmalted wheat is added to increase proteins etc for head retention and lacing so by steeping without mashing, you'd likely be extracting starches etc which are the very things you don't want from it. If you do manage to steep anything out and that goes into the brew at boiling stage you'd possibly risk a cloudy starch haze which could be persistent and not drop out.

BTW I don't use rice hulls but believe that they are used to prevent stuck mashes in systems that use sparging, and don't add anything to the finished beer.
Because of the influx of spambots overnight, the topic was locked and hidden by US Admin.
I've cleaned up the spambots, and unhidden your thread on steeping crystal malt.
Can't find a recent thread on Torrified Wheat. Are you sure that was the title?
all is well now

the torrified wheat crept into the post near the end as it was part of the overnight soak

I think I will boil the torrified wheat today , let it cool and then add the crystal

and still get a head start ( probably from the wheat ) tomorrow

actually I use rolled oats as the 500 g pack would last me a year

my original recipe called for torrified wheat and 2 sorts of crystal
You may want to put that in the original thread Rod
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