Would Fresh Ginger In The Bottle Be Ok?

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Going to bottle my Ginger Beer tonight. My last gravity reading taste was not Gingery enough & I was wondering if putting a fresh piece of Ginger in at bottling would improve it? Would it replace any sugar? Has anyone done it with success? And should I soak it in Vodka before throwing in the bottle?
I put 5 grams of grated ginger into a long neck Grated and weighed by the missus

or a plug about 2 cm long and round enough to fit into the neck of the bottle

I also bulk prime and add 5 ml of Buderim ginger cordial ( from Franklins ) per long neck
5g of Ginger only has about 0.2g of sugars:

Sugars 0.2g
Sucrose 10.5mg
Glucose 64.1mg
Fructose 93.5mg
Lactose 0mg
Maltose 0mg
Galactose 10mg

So yes it'll add some sugars, but not a lot. If you are going to boil some water and bulk prime before bottling, I'd be using powdered ginger to give it that extra ginger kick. Saves you messing around trying to sanitise ginger root. :wacko:
If you put ginger in a bottle you will most prboably find when you open the bottles that you get ALOT of foaming. This may not be due to infection but rather that the ginger in itself will provide a source of nucleation. That is, bubbles will form around the the ginger mass in the bottle.
I would suggest drinking that batch and adding extra ginger to your next batch.

