The HERMS output is measurable, controllable and repeatable. That seems like the important aspect of HERMS, repeatability.
I don't stir my grain bed, it's the liquid washing through it that's important, not the grain itself.
I don't know what the flow rate of my pump is but I'd guess there are a few litres of liquid moving through the HERMS every minute, in a small closed system doing single batches, that means the liquid is at perfect temp regularly.
In conclusion, zzzz

Stick with the single temp reading, see if it conforms with expectations in terms of the wort produced, it should do in my unqualified unexpert opinion.
re: Mash returns. There's some 'interesting' stuff from Palmer here on fluid mechanics.
Palmer seems to suggest 2 drains from the base are the best way to minimise channelling but I've never seen a setup that actually did this. I suppose a manifold is the closest thing, distributing the drainage at the mash base.
I think so long as it isn't channelling, it doesn't matter too much. FWIW I found just lying a silcon tube on the grain bed did channel but that's just my experience, others seem to go OK. I use a Beerbelly return dish now, but anything to distribute the returning wort could be OK, thought about a copper showerhead previously.