I make convict stew in the pressure cooker about once a month, but it takes a couple of days. It's getting harder to track down lamb neck nowadays, a lot of people buy it for their dogs. Should be a crime.
Stage 1: slow cooker
go to Coles or your butcher and get a couple of kilos of lamb soup bones (not neck, that comes in stage 2) - choose ones with plenty of meat and fat attached, put them in the slow cooker with a couple of chopped onions, a chopped carrot, two litres of water and a litre carton of chicken stock. Set and forget for two days. I do mine in the garage.
When cool give it all a good massage with clean hands then force what you can through a mesh strainer into a big bowl, cool in fridge and remove the disc of fat off the top.
That's your stock. Store and freeze in 600ml t/a containers - a batch will last you for the winter.
Stage 2: pressure cooker
get 3 lamb necks sawn for you into five neck chops each.
2 large onions finely chopped
Layer chops and onions in pressure cooker and tip in a container of stock from #1
Pressure cook for 15 minutes.
Remove chops to a plate and gravy to a bowl. To the gravy add two beef or chicken OXO cubes, half a cup of passata or a heaped TBSP tomato paste, a good grind of black pepper, sprig of rosemary if you like.
In the pressure cooker, rebuild the stew with the par-cooked chops layered with:
4 thick sliced sliced carrots
one extra thin sliced onion
2 small swede turnips cubed
half a head of celery thickly sliced
Pour gravy over the top and pressure cook for a further 15 minutes.
The lamb should fall off the bones that can be sucked clean.
Note no potatoes in this recipe, they come in the form of garlic mash on the side :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2: