Winkles Brewday 26 Sep

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After an enjoyable arvo at GravityGuru's today I figured its about time I did one, a one batch sub-tropic triple. Note that this will probably be more of a piss-up rather than a demo, so some beds available for the quick. Might even fire up the spit if required.
Will request the day off work - chalk me up for a bed too. Sounds like fun.

For those who have never attended a "brew day" at Winkle's, you're in for a treat :p

More like a wind down from the week before. Bar should open at 2pm in case some of the craftbrewer mob want to attend. Turn up at 12 if you're interested in mashing etc on a three tier system.
Hopefully no nude swimming this time Nick :rolleyes: .
No promises :ph34r:
Hi perry,

There's a chance I may be back in the States, but otherwise i hope to be there. I'll grab a bed please if one's going :)

cheers Ross
OK the beds are pretty much taken but there'll be plenty of floor space and a couple of couches. I'd better mow the pool.
Hmmm, I might get keen and do a CAP or a Hefe as well.
With a bit of luck we might be able to sample some of the Galaxy Imperial PA (depends how well it conditions up). There's a guest tap on the bar if anyone needs it.
I'm keen to come along as always but have to see where I am at on the day. Its right smack bang in the middle of the school horrordays and we may be going camping.

Keep you posted.
I'm in! i need to get to one of these thing eventually, though i have nothing drinkable at the moment, nor will anything be ready by then ( bin a bit slack of late) might se what the old cash flow is doing and ill spring for a carton of something european.
I can't get the morning off work at this stage, so won't be leaving "The Roy" until about 1. Should be there sometime around 3-3:30. I'm sure there'll be a couple of beers left for me.

Waaaaay tooooo tempting to miss Mr Winkle. I'll bring somehome made small goods :rolleyes: oh and maybe my lastest APA on Rye for some critiquing? :p

NickB be good to catch up!


Would,ve loved to have come down but have a Bridezillas Wedding to Cater for, 127 people... Bloody work.. <_<

:icon_cheers: CB
Been a while since i have been out and about.... :rolleyes:
Count me in... I shall bring a keg or 2..
perhaps a Cob-loaf or 2???
Not to mention i have a new Awesome Thing that involves a pineapple... Bet you cant wait for that one... :huh:

Sqyre... ;)
That's alright Bruce NickB makes a reasonable substitution... he just needs much more beer to be errr... compliant :lol:

Chap Chap

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