Windows Xp Key - I Own The Disc

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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I'm going to format this computer and give it to my stepdaughter and get a newie, it's not a bad machine - twin core 3 ghz etc but it's 3 years old.........anyway I have my genuine XP disc, lasercut shyte on it etc etc but have lost my key. Any suggestions? We aren't talking about warez or anything here as I paid good money for the thing and only ever use it on one machine. Would a computer store be able to assist maybe? Don't fancy my chances with Microsoft obviously.
I have previously contacted Microsoft and obtained a key. I think you need to have registered it previously in your name etc.
Wow, so Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny aren't dead yet - I'll give that a go. :)
I have previously contacted Microsoft and obtained a key. I think you need to have registered it previously in your name etc.

Wow, so Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny aren't dead yet - I'll give that a go. :)
For all their reputation for being the "Evil Empire", Microsoft are very good at customer service and ensuring customer satisfaction. If you give them a call, and you have previously registered this copy of Windows, they will most likely issue you a licence key with no questions asked. They know that only legitimate customers are going to do this, not your average pirate (arrgggh!), and by ensuring another happy customer, it's one less person less likely to churn to either Apple or Linux.

Disclaimer: I don't work for MS, but do derive my income from supporting and enhancing their dodgy applications software ;)
there are programs on internet that will show xp key on your computer if its running and activation if you copy right file from computer can keep activation with out contacting microsoft
there are programs on internet that will show xp key on your computer if its running and activation if you copy right file from computer can keep activation with out contacting microsoft

was just about to point this out. Although you do have to run a gauntlet of trojans to get to them in most instances! :rolleyes:
Belarc Advisor is my favorite.

That'll give you keys for pretty much all your software in a printable HTML.
It also gives you all the specs for your PC which is handy.
Saves a call to M$.
That said realistically the CD key sticker "should" have been stuck to the case. I believe this is part of the EULA...

BTW the CD is worth nothing - you can freely download windows off the internet - infact I believe now you have to pay extra to get a CD with M$ office these days as all you buy is the CD key/licence.
BTW any reason you really want to format it. If you've taken off all your personal files and run CCleaner and overwritten all the "free space" and done defrags etc its easier and less time consuming for essentially the same outcome.

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