Will This Risk Hsa?

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Im waiting on some silicone tubing from my HBS and i need a way to transfer wort from my kettle to NC cube. At the moment i have a ball valve and some kinda curved piece on the end, so im thinking of putting my kettle on the table and then kinda slowly pouring it into my cube on the side (kinda like pouring a beer). Anyway, here is a picture i drew to make my point more clear.
I think HSA certainly exists. The real question is if it is important enough to worry about. I don't.

Of course, you try to do what you reasonably can to avoid annoying the HSA Gods, but if you fail somewhere, I figure you just ensure that beer gets consumed before the effects become evident. In my house, where most beer is refrigerated from packaging until consumption, it's the last thing to worry me.

OP is in the perfect position to experiment. Do this batch without tubing and next batch with. Decide for yourself.
Yeah, i guess ill just do it like this and see what happens. I'll also do some research about HSA to see if i get it in my brew.
Thanks guys, put me at ease haha.
Don't hold the cube while doing this. Chock it with and lean it against something. HSA > skin grafts.
Don't hold the cube while doing this. Chock it with and lean it against something. HSA > skin grafts.
Yeah definitely. Its going in a wheel barrow, so ill lean it on the side.
The clear vinyl tubing you get from Clark rubber, I use for the transfer of wort from mash tun to boiler and the transfer of chilled wort to the fermenter. I have also used it for transferring wort from the boiler to the NC cube on occasions, I know this stuff is only rated to 60 C, but I had no other option at the time. The tubing held up fine. Prob not a good idea for long term use, but if your desperate...

Hey Acasta,

This is how I've been doing it since I moved to BIAB in an urn, and I've had no issues :)
Matt, i have this tubing, and tried using it once, by going over the side and it just went really soft and burnt me haha, so i don't think i wanna do it again.

Thanks NME, i'm definitely going to do this and see how it goes. Can't hurt.
haha, i wish, the cube is in the wheelbarrow. Moving it a fair way.
It will be fine as long as you don't burn yourself.

Mentioning HSA is like Christianity. Most people don't believe in it, but a few devine faith that it exists.
Should be fine doing that mate... pretty sure i've seen a photo from BribieG (perhaps?) he just opens the tap of the urn and lets the wort drop straight down into the cube.

HSA/oxidation definitly exists... it's just how noticeable that would be on a homebrew scale. If you're going to have your beer sit round for months and months or years you may notice something. But otherwise it shouldn't make any difference.
HSA/oxidation definitly exists... it's just how noticeable that would be on a homebrew scale. If you're going to have your beer sit round for months and months or years you may notice something. But otherwise it shouldn't make any difference.
This also strongly depends on the beer style in question. You can't say 'pilsner malt doesn't give a corn flavour - I had 3% in my doppelbock and I can't detect it'. Similarly, you won't pick HSA in a beer where it's not noticeable. Try to get HSA going in a light american lager and you'll never forget it, but you can get away with a lot in a darker beer.
I did that for a while. I never noticed any issues but I've never repeated a recipe without making atleast a few changes, so maybe it is a real issue. I thought the beer was great, but that was the first few AG brews so I'd probably feel that they're a bit lacking as i've improved my brewing since.

What is the flavour/flaw that you get from HSA anyway? I've always heard people talking about it and have avoided creating it but i'm not sure what it's meant to taste like anyway.
HSA does exist, but it is more of a problem for us during the mash, especially if using a March pump or the like to circulate the wort through a RIMS/HERMS set up. If there is an air leak on the suction side, the wort will be aerated for a long period of time, introducing all sorts of oxidation issues!

For transferring to a cube from the kettle, I'd hardly think it would be worth worrying about.
Im going to get about 1m of silicone hose and shove it over the end of the tap. Spent ages figuring out a way to make it stay at the right level and it kept ******* up on me. So when i get the hose it will be ace.

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