Will I Have Problems With This Setup?

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Hi all,

I'm pretty new to the AG scene, i've done about 4 stovetop BIAB brews and now just upgraded equipment. I've just built a Mash-tun from a 40L techni-ice esky and also purchased a 40L urn to use as a HLT and Kettle.

My plan is either batch sparge or continuous sparge into a bucket (as the urn will be performing the role of a HLT at the time) then once the sparge is complete, tip the wort from the bucket into the urn for the boil.

Apart from being an annoyance and possibly scolding myself, does anyone know of any potential problems in doing this (oxidisation, etc...)?

No real problems. Just get a good strong bucket which doesn't warp under high temps, put a tap at the bottom so you don't have to tip it into the HLT/Kettle, you can drain it. Some people go on about hot side aeration causing unwanted flavours, but I've never had a problem with the hot wort splashing around.

Drawbacks are
- it'll take longer as with a separate kettle you can start to heat up the 1st runnings straight away while you'll have to wait until the end of sparge before beginning the boil
- lifting the bucket of hot liquid (could use a pump which will remove that problem as also remove the splashing issue)
why don't you just go a "bucket of death" for the HLT and don't worry about the extra man handling the wort? you will need the extra bucket with the manual way anyway.

i am trying to do what QLD Kev says.

I want to make a BOD, but first need to locate a 20-25L pail made from PP#5.

Apparrently that is what I want as it is meant to be good to 200 degrees C or whatever.

Anyone know if Bunnings stocks these?

i am trying to do what QLD Kev says.

I want to make a BOD, but first need to locate a 20-25L pail made from PP#5.

Apparrently that is what I want as it is meant to be good to 200 degrees C or whatever.

Anyone know if Bunnings stocks these?

I believe their handy pails are....
Here's what I had in mind for anyone who's curious.

Urn (HLT) to Mash-tun to bucket:

Bucket to Urn (kettle) to cube:

What do you mean by 'bucket of death' as HLT Kev? I'm guessing this means just using the bucket with an external heating element?

Thanks for your help
Check out the video's of the BABB's demo for bucket of death footage Tim. I was really surprised how well they boil on the day. Cheap and solves your problem as Kev pointed out.
Another solution would be to just consider yourself brewing 2v (2 vessel)

Unless your doing double batches, this will work great!

Mash in as normal.
Heat sparge water in urn to your calculated temp for a mashout, then transfer to mash before draining. Give a quick stir and leave it for 10mins to settle grain bed again.

Then just drain the mash tun back into the urn and ramp to the boil.

This will work in your 40lt esky and based upon an efficiency of 70% with average boiloff rates gravity up to around 1.050

My esky is a 38lt and this was how i used to brew (using a 30lt hlt) before i sourced a couple of kegs for hlt and boiler. Now i can do double batches, but for singles, the above technique works well, easy, quickly, no fuss, and produces a good beer.

Think of it as an infusion mashout.

I was thinking along the lines of that aswell, but thought i'd be better of with a continuous sparge. The extra bucket probably a bit of a hassle for that little extra bit of efficiency so I think your probably onto a winner.

BOD aka Bucket Of Death

20L Handi Pal from Bunnings <$10
Heating element $8 (refer notes)


BOD becomes HLT
Esky for Mash Tun
Urn for Kettle

A lot of brews have been made this way


extra notes...
The kettle element is ripped out of the cheap kettle, and mounted into the BOD.

This dude used a Bunnings fermentor for it
i am trying to do what QLD Kev says.

I want to make a BOD, but first need to locate a 20-25L pail made from PP#5.

Apparrently that is what I want as it is meant to be good to 200 degrees C or whatever.

Anyone know if Bunnings stocks these?

The bunnings handi-pails are definitely #5
Thanks to everyone for their good suggestions.

After reading about the 'bucket-of-death' I had to have one, so I cannibalised an old kettle, made a trip to bunnings and **** got real.




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