Well-Known Member
If, when I started brewing, I lived in the US where there is an incredible variety of awesome beer that are also waaaaaay cheaper than any beer in Oz - I would probably not have begun brewing.
As it is, there just wasn't/isn't the diversity of good beer that is easily available in Australia for me to consider not brewing.
Same. I started due to the cost, then found the taste side of things. Now I can't drink Extra Dry or Super Dry (use to be my favs).
IMHO the USA a better beer culture then Australia, at least as far as it relates to selling different types of beer. The fact that you can walk into any place that sells beer and pick up a micro beer makes drinking good beer so much easier. At my Bottle-O I'm lucky to find a Coopers. And if I make the journey to Uncle Dan's chances are I'll get some bottle thats been sitting in the sun for 2 weeks.
So I started brewing for financial reason, I now brew because I like the beer I make more then the beer I buy...