Why Are My Kegs Like Girls

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something just not right, for xmas eve I have 70% of the kegs full and the others around 50%, I go away, take some kegs for a holiday now I have 2 kegs drinkable (Stout and Bock) possably not in this weather, 2 empty and dirty, 3 clean waiting for the fermenting to finish and 4 with lager that are largering.

It's just not right, this is the second time this has happened, I have 2 cubes of lager (Bock and Dark) so I better get off the fat arse and start some brewing and fermenting.
something just not right, for xmas eve I have 70% of the kegs full and the others around 50%, I go away, take some kegs for a holiday now I have 2 kegs drinkable (Stout and Bock) possably not in this weather, 2 empty and dirty, 3 clean waiting for the fermenting to finish and 4 with lager that are largering.

It's just not right, this is the second time this has happened, I have 2 cubes of lager (Bock and Dark) so I better get off the fat arse and start some brewing and fermenting.

Same, same. Had 4 kegs full at the start of Dec - had a mates dig and a family gathering. At another family event before the end of Dec, all three tapped kegs blew out in the first pour or two and the reserve keg had to be called on. To make things worse the gas then ran out and I've been waiting for a fill from that day on. It's been a holiday break when I've had to rely on my bottles ... nearly out of them too :eek:
I dont understand the connection between girls and being empty all the time,
but my keg's are more like the dancers in Strats on Hindley St:
Filthy, and you can bet that more than one of them are infected.
Brew like a mofo Matt... I'm much the same (half a keg of EPA and a keg of stout remaining from the Christmas stocks) however have all my fermenters full and ready to go into kegs when I get home (am away at Venus Bay currently).

Havent you been brewing for Beerfest? You should have a couple of brews on the go at the mo?
I went on holidays and took two full kegs and had two in the fridge with probabaly 10% in each.

come back to two empty kegs drained by the housemate (its ok, i told him to) and two empies that we demolished while away on holidays. I have one keg of Helles that was lagering and thats it.

Infact, i have taken a vow not to drink any of my own beer (in kegs) until all 7 of them are full. Crazy? Well thats one way to force me to brew during this manic weather. Nothing more taxing than having to rotate frozen soft drink bottles in the laundry sink twice daily to keep your witbier at 20deg. <_<

Damn i wish i had space for a fermenting fridge. WHYYYY!!! :D
Yes, out of six possibly kegs, I have one lonely keg of NS summer ale full in the keg fridge.

That I have invited the boys around TONIGHT to empty - I'm packing up and leaving Adelaide!
catch is that they have to help my move some cupboards into a trailer... I haven't told them this part yet..

haha I'll probably be well known for this soon... over new years I invited two mates around for beers... I got them to help move my gf's piano!
Yes, out of six possibly kegs, I have one lonely keg of NS summer ale full in the keg fridge.

That I have invited the boys around TONIGHT to empty - I'm packing up and leaving Adelaide!
catch is that they have to help my move some cupboards into a trailer... I haven't told them this part yet..

haha I'll probably be well known for this soon... over new years I invited two mates around for beers... I got them to help move my gf's piano!

Sounds like a fair exchange to me. Suprising that the NS summer ale is the one remaining, its usually the first one gone amongst my mates.
Blew two kegs Christmas Day. Was down to one, knowing that it was almost empty.
Blew that Boxing Day. Been too busy to get all three full again.
Guess what I'm doing next week? Gas is good, knock on wood.
Sounds obvious but the better the keg the more amazed I am when it finishes. The best kegs I expect to be about half full when they run out. The worst kegs sit there for over 6 months.
When you are really enjoying a keg it disappears before you know it.
When you have a bunch of beers waiting to go into kegs they seem to last forever.
I keep waiting to hear the empty keg burst on mine so I can keg some that have been cc-ing but they just keep going...
Last night 2 kegs dried up on me one after the other. Thankfully there's still 2 full kegs in there, after that it could be nasty while I wait for the pils and premium lager to finish ferment and then condition.
i had one manage to last exactly the length of our annual boxing day bbq,

and one that went right through new years eve, giving me a couple of 'hangover' pints on new years day....

still not enough beer though...

you guessed it more kegs in the postal system on their way to live at my place...
Kegs are very much like girls, the fun only last for a short time :angry: