for those of us that haven't tasted an allgrain beer (apart from off the shelf, which I assume will be different)..........why bother? What's the deal?
Why do you assume it will be different? It might be filtered, but..
Compare a K&K beer to a nice, all grain, well made beer from a micro/not so micro brewery. Then realise you can make beer this good yourself. Maybe even better!. Then realise it's cheaper (so to speak) to make it yourself. Then realise it's a fun hobby to have, even if you are banished to outside all day (is this really a bad thing?
). Then realise that suddenly, chemisty and biology are in in fact, fascinating. You now read all you can on enzymes, amino acids, sugars, yeast, polyphenols,2-3 pentanedione.. ****, realise thats heavy stuff, you need a beer. Realise that beer tastes pretty ****** awesome. Who made this? ME?? Sweet. Realise all grain is as good as you remember it. Realise your late to catch up for that local brewers meeting your going to, think "damn, those boys (and girls) make some pretty sweet beers" and grab that gnarly American IPA and Russian Imperial Stout you brewed a few months back and take em along. Realise brewing is pretty damn good craic and are so glad you started.
Why bother? Why not? For me, brewing is a great hobby that results in a product I'm fascinated with and proud of. Usually they're pretty good drinking.
Whats the deal? Honestly, you either get it or you don't. I've had K&K's chuckle at me wondering why I go all the trouble, but honestly, beer is not about about alcohol to me. It used to be, but not these days. It's about beer, and the respecting and understanding the process. I dunno, I'm a chef, so all grain is a natural state of culinary curiousity for for me. I'll happliy go to the same amount of trouble to make cheese, bacon, butcher a lamb etc.
Long story short, I think all grain brewing is the ****. Thats why I bother :beerbang: