Who's Your Favourite Aussiehomebrewer Forum Guy?

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A number of people on here constantly that add to the humour and quality of this site at the same time, but some off the top of the head are:

Batz, T.P and P.P: Always something worth reading coming from these guys
Franko: Man your brew rig is sexy...you have inspired me to take the long road but get it right.
Ross: Fantastic help all the time, and damn good business man at the same time
MHB: A local guy worth his salt. Good business man and damn he knows his stuff. Need to come and see you soon....damn the drive!!!
Dicko:....well you made me a good deal.... :D Keep it up
Eric8: Went to the effort of scoring a bundle of cheap kegs for me and then holding on to them for an enternity without even filling them with his own beer...then again could have been a bonus if I got to take them home full :p

And everyone else that makes a contribution, great or small...keep up the work folks, I have learnt so much via this forum...and it can only get bigger

A shout out should also go to those who have organised bulk buys over the years.
We are men, we make beer, we drink beer, we get drunk, we love WOMEN! HTFU! :lol:
Thanks to all the supporters that put money into this site to keep it growing and every body else that contribute in there own way.I really like the late night posts from members that are less than sober.I have ***** my self at some of the more alcohol induced comments . :lol:
Cheers to all of you.
For all things humor, there is always SQYRE!

From Chat on the weekend -
(Can't Remember): "Mechanics call is 100 mile an hour tape, film industry guys call it gaffa tape, fridgys call it ducy tape"
Sqyre: "And sickos call it guinea pig tape."

Pretty much every one of his posts has made me laugh. He is responsible for many lost mouthfuls of HB. I just cant wait until he finds this thread...

As far as helpfulness, there are too many for me to even remember. pretty much everybody that has been listed in this thread has given me great advice in my brewing (and probably a few that havent been)

When I think back to when I first started brewing Batz was a big help in getting me into AG as I asked loads of questions that just needed answering to get me going. So there was Batz, Jovial Monk, Trough Lolly, Jazman, Joecast, Gough, Linz, Postmodern, Johnno, THE DRUNK ARAB, Guest Lurker, Kai, Wedge, Green Iguana, GMK, Justin, Jayse, Hopeye. All u old guys on the forum would remember some of these ones.

And recently Spillmostofit, Stuster, Screwtop, AndrewQLD, Doc\'s always been there, Steve, Ross, just to name a few. We are all just one big happy family and everyone is as important as each other, thats what makes us sooooooooo great. Yes even you Darren :wub:


Cheers to PostModern, he helped me upgrade from K&K over on another forum, then pointed me here.

Big man-hugs to both you guys :p

I wouldn\'t have gotten into homebrew and later AG at all if it hadn\'t been for Vindaloo, kook, Doc, jayse, Pint, Barry, wasabi, TDA, batz and many of the other dudes on this place, whether they answered my questions or other people\'s, and of course all of the IBUs, especially Scotty (aka ///) and Ray Mills for the touchy-feely type support. And were it not for dane, this place either wouldn\'t be at all, or it would be a very different place. Cheers, dude for leaving me with the power of the Delete button.

As a single favourite poster, I could not pick one, but I would have to admit I have a soft spot for, the love him or hate him, PP (with colons, it spells :p :p) just for the unbannable controversy he brings to this place.

In short, I think the greatness of this place is not a short list of people, but the whole gelatinous mass of the community.
A number of people on here constantly that add to the humour and quality of this site at the same time, but some off the top of the head are:

Franko: Man your brew rig is sexy...you have inspired me to take the long road but get it right.


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sexy yes but do we know if its right ???? its never actually been fired in anger.

Franko did seem committed to mashing something in it ,well, boiling up his Gym socks in some detergent to 'get them white'.

Pumpy :)
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sexy yes but do we know if its right ???? its never actually been fired in anger.

Franko did seem committed to mashing something in it ,well, boiling up his Gym socks in some detergent to 'get them white'.

Pumpy :)

The road is long but I'm getting there.
there is a price to pay when your as fussy as me.
As touchy/feely/man love/kinda creepy as this thread is - it makes a nice change from the nasty shouting we AHBers have been doing at each other recently. Its about time we remembered to love a little.

Johnno - for answering an emergency "I have run out of hops" call from a guy with 2 posts to his credit. His helpfulness made me come back here to check the place out properly

Dane and the Mods - 'cause its all their fault

Spillsmostofit - he's a bit weird, but he's the one who gets to sample all the swill I produce in-between the even vaguely drinkable beers

Now, someone say something controversial so we can fight some more................
I love desk.
When I first saw this thread, I thought there was no way I could contribute anything when I was sober.

Last night, I had a few beers and the prospect looked even shabbier. Thoughts and memories of ... well, let's not go *there*.

Velophile helped me get off the cans and into proper brewing. We met at the Goat brewery and swapped our first AG beers. Neither of us has been quite the same since.
Thirsty Boy still manages to find the occasional good thing to say about my beers. It's a good thing he's a home brewer, too.
I've never met Pumpy, but everything he writes kinda makes you want to.

Jebus... I need a drink. And something to get the High Fidelity sound track out of my head...
I'll be lazy and say everyone who's answered my questions, criticised my carefully thought out (but crap in a stingy way) recipes, made me laugh with their rant's & arguements, involved me in 6pack, 1/2 case and full case swaps, and lent me gear and encouraged me to finally try an AG. A big cheers to the Hills Brewers Guild too.
Now I must wipe a tear from my eye, and try not to get too emotional at the 2008 AHB Pub Crawl
Hey if it's good enough for John and Yoko.

Warren -

John Lennon. Father of Punk.

Lennon in his last years was the antithesis of the Beatles.

They were fun, tuneful, optimistic and bound everyone with their unique musical beauty. A magic that made adversaries equals. Everyone reading from the same page, a harmonic page that Lennon and McCartney wove with unparalleled splendor.

4 Hollow point bullets and not one hit Yoko.

"Imagine" is the inner John crying out to the world. Drawing all emotions in from his audience, balancing his relationship with Yoko against the suffering of the less fortunate. Sadly HMS John & Yoko ran aground, and John was shipwrecked by the navigation of his First Mate. Lennon was a Captain, an Artist Admiral of high standing and oft befriended by kindly winded seas, whose ship was filled to the gunwales with seamanship. A man whose talent and resume spoke volumes to his credit. What happened to the man who is surely one of the greatest songwriters in history?

Imagine there's no Yoko
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Waiting for this day

Every genius needs a muse.

Men, by nature, take chances. Sometimes they err and lose. Many win. John won when he was a mere Petty Officer, and given the rank he and the Beatles achieved, was buoyed and spinnakered into a position he was not seaworthy for. Tumbling windward, perched upon the fo'castle bereft of a coxswain. Sextants at 20,000 leagues.

Yoko was the pirate masquerading as a fellow sailor. Pilot of the Yellow Submarine.

As we live a life of ease
Everyone of us has all we need
Sky of blue and sea of green
In our yellow submarine.

After the Beatles went their separate ways, the barque began to take water. Slowly at first, but a rising tide was turning against Lennon

Riding the crest of a wave, bound in the swell of the endless summer. Sycophants of the greatest magnitude vied for his affections and affectations. Ego ran loose with limitless attention in flights of fancy. Introspection and realisation abounded. Wanton indulgence in the most whimsical of musical fantasies was commonplace.

It might have looked lasseiz-faire, but the puppeteer was conducting an orchestra of her own tune. For whom does the bell toll?

The studio hangers-on, barnacles and whelks all expected Lennon to continue his brilliant career, and indeed some great works were produced. But the magic had gone; innocence had become activism. The world was not a better place anymore.

Lennon knew. His vocals took on a hard, frustrated edge. Profanity began to litter the studio recordings. A listless genius. A dancing bear. An angry man. The puppeteer kept the remoras at a healthy distance for her control to continue, and provided encouragement when she was pleased.

All crackling, no pork.

God Save the Queen, for Yoko is but the Devil's mistress.

You mixed the hops up with the "herbs" again didnt you!! :rolleyes:

Damn... save some of that for the swap.. ;)

Sqyre.. B)
Voices told me to do it!


Naughty boy, you've been drinking shots of the yeast lees again haven't you :rolleyes: ?
:icon_offtopic: Now nip over and check this thread, [post="0"]link[/post], probably should be in the brew food section?

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