Brewed a second version of this brew. 1st time despite a 69c mash it finished low gravity 1.007 and ended up as 5.8%. I wanted the second version closer to 5% so I backed off the sugar and base malt a bit and made sure mash was at no lower than 69c.
So less sugar, a tad less malt. Ridiculous efficiency that rattles the brain of Beersmith it calculates at over 100%.

(adding the sugar to the cubes rather than the boil seems to get this result)
Targets OG 1.047 at 88% BHE, result 1.050.
Target FG 1.009.
2nd time result! Gravity finished at 1.002!!!

so now the target of ~5% ABV its a 6.3% ABV beer darn it!!! Bugger!

Good beer though. Yeah its dry in the mouth but still manages to taste sweet at the same time.
I pitched onto the yeast cake this time I definitely wont do that again. Strictly good yeast count calculation necessary for this yeast.