Where have they gone?

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A good example on that list there phoney, proves a point, I believe in calling it as I see it, in the UK one is not allowed to say black ice, or accident black spot, Dick Turpin made his fabled ride from London to York on his horse Black Bess not on a horse called Bess as they now want to call her all because some people have a problem with the word black and associate with racial prejudice,they are the ones with the problem
WitWonder said:
The issue is often related to new members who post questions that have been answered a thousand times before ("my airlock isn't bubbling") and who have quite obviously never heard of the search function which, in this internet age, is somehow almost impossible to imagine. You'd get the same reaction on any other forum, it isn't peculiar to this one. Experienced posters either can't be bothered responding while some, perhaps on an off day, will write something that they probably wouldn't normally.
Not saying it doesn't happen but that is a cop out and gross generalisation. I, as do many other newbies,know how to use the search function and I for one read "How To Brew" first up. Do a search on my threads and tell me your thoughts on the level of interaction versus other threads in here. How does what you suggest relate in any way to a lack of welcome when someone puts up a first post to introduce themselves?
Age old point of discussion, I've been on a number of forums where there are differing levels of moderation. I'm certainly no prude and have done and said some despicable things in my time. But I've grown into a degree of maturity and try to operate under a level of self moderation where if I would feel uncomfortable saying anything or showing pictures in front of my daughter, then don't say or show it. That's not to say I don't say things on occasion which I regret, but it gives me a point of behaviour to operate from and regulate if I stuff up. And if I wouldn't say something to someone's face, then leave the keyboard alone.

If I go about my busness under thewse guidelines, then I'm generally going to have less of a negative impact on someone else than I used to. I believe the whole PC thing has gotten out of hand where public opinon voiced through legislation and social media has people being so damned careful about what they say for fear someone may be offended that they lose track of what their intent was in saying something and to be honest if I say something that I know is not harmful in any way but you still get offended...then problem belongum you. But I will certainly seek to xchoose my words carefully and try leave the keyboard alone if I've been putting into practice the hobby for which this forum is a vehicle.

Fine principles, easier said then done, but certainly a start.
Had 3 chicks in the brew store so far.

The missus - didn't buy anything!

A couple that are into brewing together.

And a wife picking up a Christmas present.

The rest.... Sausage fest.

Fully support woman doing their thing but couldn't care less about going out of my way to target promote it to them. Same with anything else politics, CEO's nitting ect.

If you have to change the way you promote something to target a particular sex then do you loose that equality everyone keeps going on about?

If they find something that tickles interest and want in by all means, full support from me.
elcarter said:
If you have to change the way you promote something to target a particular sex then do you loose that equality everyone keeps going on about?
Nope, that is called marketing to your target audience and all good businesses do it. On the other hand if you were actively setting about to discourage the opposite sex by offending them....then maybe. Or perhaps that would just be bad business.

So where is your shop? Am finding the range and advice at Brewcraft a bit limited but there is not much else south of the city.
Nothing to do with offending people or being PC. No-one ever died from being offended.
Just strive to be intelligent and evolved human beings which discounts most forms of bigotry.
Worked with many great female chefs (and some **** ones) during my time in the industry. Known some great brewers of both genders (and some **** ones for sure).

As for being worried about your kids seeing stuff - this forum is a forum for adults pursuing a legal adult hobby. Guidelines restrict anything pornographic from being posted but beyond that, it really is up to members. Just be aware of what you post and how it can be perceived. If you understand that (rather than get upset and defensive because someone else has an issue with it) then post intelligently and stand behind what you post.

Kids reading alcohol related forums comes with its own set of issues - I'm certainly not responsible for what anyone else's kids view on the internet
wide eyed and legless said:
A good example on that list there phoney, proves a point, I believe in calling it as I see it, in the UK one is not allowed to say black ice, or accident black spot, Dick Turpin made his fabled ride from London to York on his horse Black Bess not on a horse called Bess as they now want to call her all because some people have a problem with the word black and associate with racial prejudice,they are the ones with the problem
I grew up in the UK in the 1950s and we had no such constraints, for example when Noddy was mugged and sexually assaulted by N******gas. Loved that book. Would be worth a shitload if I'd ever thought of keeping it :unsure:

noddy naked.gif

I can't find the page where he crawled naked to Big Ear's house where he was tucked into bed .........

I want to see that page again so much.

edit: It just occurred to me, the title of that book "Here Comes Noddy Again"
Oh no, no, no, no. .......................................................is nothing sacred.....................
My sewing circle has the same issue with a lack of guys, total clam fest.
WitWonder said:
The issue is often related to new members who post questions that have been answered a thousand times before ("my airlock isn't bubbling") and who have quite obviously never heard of the search function which, in this internet age, is somehow almost impossible to imagine. You'd get the same reaction on any other forum, it isn't peculiar to this one. Experienced posters either can't be bothered responding while some, perhaps on an off day, will write something that they probably wouldn't normally.
In all honesty, I signed up to ahb a few years ago, researched what I needed and then buggered off for a couple of years.
When I came back, I had questions and it was easier to start a new thread and get an immediate answer than use the search function.

This thread is a great example.
"Where are.the female brewers"...


No female brewer's yet.

A large group of of men and alcohol. Hmmm....... can't think of why there aren't many women on here.
Bribie G said:
I grew up in the UK in the 1950s and we had no such constraints, for example when Noddy was mugged and sexually assaulted by N******gas. Loved that book. Would be worth a shitload if I'd ever thought of keeping it :unsure:

noddy naked.gif

I can't find the page where he crawled naked to Big Ear's house where he was tucked into bed .........

I want to see that page again so much.

edit: It just occurred to me, the title of that book "Here Comes Noddy Again"
Oh no, no, no, no. .......................................................is nothing sacred.....................
I guess when one of the members who posts constantly on the site is quite happy to relive the days of rampant racism and homophobia as the 'good old days' it is inclined to put off anyone joining, let alone those who know they are likely to be in the minority.
Killer Brew said:
Nope, that is called marketing to your target audience and all good businesses do it. On the other hand if you were actively setting about to discourage the opposite sex by offending them....then maybe. Or perhaps that would just be bad business.

So where is your shop? Am finding the range and advice at Brewcraft a bit limited but there is not much else south of the city.
You won't get any better advice from me sir :D.

(Don't take this the wrong way*) but if you want to find my shop.... use the internet search function think it's called Google :D. Dam these new people to the internet.

*Massive pun intended. If offended, go to a site sponsor and buy something from them instead in protest.

Edit - what forum did all the naked pictures and homophobic racist go?
As a very recent member I can say I have only positive things the say about the assistance I have received on this forum. I have just cracked my second brew and its far better than I thought I could ever do (and its only up from here)

Did I ask some questions that have probably been answered 100 times before - yes. Did I search through the forums before I posted - yes. When you are just beginning I think some forget how much information there is to process. Did I read 100 different ways to do the same thing. Absolutely, and this adds to the confusion when beginning.

All the advice I have received has been both useful and friendly. However I have read a few posts with responses that were quite rude and uncalled for IMO.

As for why there might not be many female brewers. I don't know many females that drink beer as a drink of first choice or drink a lot of beer. The majority of men I know drink beer and a reasonable amount. Makes sense to me.
Matplat said:
Not sure I agree with you there Manticle, you can generalise, based on observations you have made along the path of life, while also accepting that your generalisation is just that, and that it is entirely possible for exceptions to your rule to exist.
It would be sexist to say that it is impossible for any good female cooks to exist due to there gender.
Anyway... Not sure I agree with the original comment in the first place!
Making an assumption, based on scant evidence is the main factor that defines any form of prejudice. The personal experience is limited, yet a very large group is assessed because of it.

Where's the experience of the large group?
I'm reminded of the episode in fawlty towers where, during a conversation about women, the Major exclaims 'I knew one once!'.

Just so we're all on the same page, consider this analogy. A person with no real experience or knowledge of beer and its diversity drinks one glass of microbrewed beer that he or she doesn't like. Maybe it's off, oxidised, dirty lines, past best before or just not to taste.
Conversation that ensues? 'Craft beer? Tried that - disgusting. Tasted like chewing on a tailpipe mixed with gum leaves and chalk. Wouldn't waste my time again'.

As for a top achievers list being male dominated - colour me surprised. That is support for arguments that talented women not only have a tougher time getting to the top but are less likely to be recognised when they get there.

Black bess, black spot etc - obviously stupid* and just fuel for the fire burned by people needing an excuse to be bigoted nobs. Not everyone who wants to see other humans treated with respect is as pointlessly shallow as that.

*also questionable - what do you mean by not allowed? Jailable offence or just someone else on the bus will frown when you say it?
themonkeysback said:
I guess when one of the members who posts constantly on the site is quite happy to relive the days of rampant racism and homophobia as the 'good old days' it is inclined to put off anyone joining, let alone those who know they are likely to be in the minority.
Some of my best friends are golliwogs.
Been my experience that females are too intelligent to pursue something as frivolous as a hobby. The majority of the ones I know are driven to extend their career, families and wealth.
A blackboard is now known as a whiteboard in the UK, Pot Black was taken off the TV because Whispering Ted Lowe wouldn't say,'He's going to pot the darker ball in the lower right hand pocket',
Sorry but a quick bit of research shows that blackboards (the word and the item) are still very much in use in the uk and elsewhere and that silly rumours like that are the domain of tabloid news like daily mail and msn.