Wheat Beer

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Will be home soon and will bottle my dry lager which is in the fermenter ATM next on the list is a "Wheat beer" just keen for a few tips and or some recipes that have turned out good

i also have a Draught which i was also thinking of brewing

cheers in advanced Jake
Just add a can of Coopers Wheat extract. Use a wheat yeast like WB-06 or any of the hefe liquid yeasts. Ferment @ 17 - 19C

Or even better 2 x Coopers wheat extract cans & 0.25kg of dry wheat extract. Use the DWE in 2.5L of water and add Hallertauer (or other suitable noble hop) to 13 - 14 IBU (25gms for 20mins). Ferment the same as above.

Easy as..

Cheers, Mat.
Wheat beers need a proper wheat yeast to get the best, but a decent Ale yeast will do

Use about 50/50 wheat/barley, mash at 67*c for an SG of about 1050 to start with

Bitter to approx 15-20 IBU

Wheat is a spicy beer, so use something like SAAZ or Hallertau to bitter..A bit of SAAZ at 5 mins would be nice also

BUT the above is for AG beers

for a Kit, grab a Coopers Euro Lager and a tin of wheat malt

or you could take the Draught Kit and add a tin of wheat malt.
Wheat beers need a proper wheat yeast to get the best, but a decent Ale yeast will do
Huh, an ale yeast wont do justice do a good wheat beer. German or belgian wheat yeast will DO the job.

That signature of yours Ducati is utter crap, its unfortunate I have to use the "no signatures" tab. Are you for real or just a Sunday superdooper sightseer? Hats off to the worse signature I have ever seen on AHB
cheers guys

its abit big but thats abit harsh haysie
I love you Hasie

You are THE most intelligent man on AHB :super:

Huh, an ale yeast wont do justice do a good wheat beer. German or belgian wheat yeast will DO the job.
I love you Hasie

You are THE most intelligent man on AHB :super:

Huh, an ale yeast wont do justice do a good wheat beer. German or belgian wheat yeast will DO the job.

phew, I didnt see your superdooper intelligent signature. This site does have some good features after all :rolleyes: .
Any ale yeast will do will it for a genuine wheat? Dont fool yourself Mr DuUnitelligence.
I made a Weizen with a can of Morgans Golden Sheaf Wheat Beer, 1.5kg can of Morgans Wheat Malt Extract (100%) and Wyeast 3068. Was AMAZING for a kit beer and insanely simple.
Hi guys. First post here. Thought I'd better reply to that one cause I've only just put my first batch in my new keg which just so happened to be a wheat beer. This is what I used.

ESB Hoegaarden clone 3 kg kit.
500 g of flaked wheat steeped for 30 mins at about 70 degrees
250 g capillano honey at day 5 in the primary
Yeast culture with the dregs of x2 Hoegaardens Wit's (wasn't sure about this initially but the starter tasted fantastic so I pitched it)

Was experimenting with this one and it tasted fanfreakintastic (although a little undercarbed atm but who can wait <_< ).

BTW - love tasting the new brew on day of racking instead of waiting 2 weeks (could never wait that long anyway usually :p ). Kegging ROCKS :D !

...... time for another beer!

Good to see you managed to re-culture the yeast from the Hoegardens.. :)
Yeast culture with the dregs of x2 Hoegaardens Wit's (wasn't sure about this initially but the starter tasted fantastic so I pitched it)

How did u step this up? Seems a small amount in 2 stubbies.
How did u step this up? Seems a small amount in 2 stubbies.
Ducati Stu may have asked the same ? sorry. I cant read his post`s :mellow:

Thank the brewing gods that Haysie cant see my posts.

other wise he will not know how to step up a starter from dregs from a few bottles
Will be home soon and will bottle my dry lager which is in the fermenter ATM next on the list is a "Wheat beer" just keen for a few tips and or some recipes that have turned out good

i also have a Draught which i was also thinking of brewing

cheers in advanced Jake

This was my first effort and I love it.......
5 litres of hot water with 1kg of Muntons dry wheat malt plus the Brewcraft KC No 66, boiled for 1 minute with the supplied hop satchel, 10 minute stand then ditch the hops. Half of this into the fermenter with 10 litres of cold water. Morgans Golden Sheaf Wheat Beer kit disolved into the remainder in the boiler and then added to the fermenter. Topped up to 25 litres and cooled to 19C before pitching the WB06.
Fermented at 18c for 6 days.
On the 6th day I boiled up 20gm of hallertaur mittelhuf pellets in 500ml water for 2 minutes, cooled to 18c, gave it a really good shake to oxygenate it and tipped the lot, hops and all into the fermenter. Three days later bottled it at 1014. Has a nice clove aroma and taste. Great head, nice mouth.

next time boil your hops in some malt exract and water. Malt helps bring out the oils in the hops. :)

Make your malt/water mix to about 1040sg
Wheat beers can have very active fermentation. Do at least one of the following. Keep an eye on it, use a blow off tube, make sure you have enough head space in your fermentor, put the fermentor someplace it will not make a mess if it foams over.

Air locks can get plugged by the foam and then the top of the fermentor blows off making one big mess.
If you are making an American Wheat Beer then an Ale yeast like US05 is the correct yeast to use.

Since American Wheat Beers are kinda dull compared to the more familiar German and Belgian ones (that taste like bubblegum and cloves and oranges and spices and bananas) get yourself some Wyeast packets and save a 300ml PET bottle of the fermenter trub when you bottle making it $1 a brew.

It's the yeast that makes all those great flavours in a wheat beer, not the wheat.

You can leave the wheat out of wheatbeers and as long as you use the correct yeast, you'd hardly notice.
How did u step this up? Seems a small amount in 2 stubbies.

Didn't step up at all. Don't have my notes but I think I added 4 tablespoons of DME to 500 ml, boiled, cooled, then added the dregs of the 2 bottles (into a longneck with an airlock). Had nice activity going in about 3 days with a big head. Made the starter on Tuesday and pitched on Sunday (ie 5 days). Took 3 days for the fermentation to start but it went gang busters after that with a big kraussen (as I understand typical for wheats).