Whats Your Most Useful Brewing Gadget?

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Not really a gadget, but for me it is probably my dedicated brewery laptop (netbook).

Small, powerful, only used for brewing related stuff.

Recipe formulation, brewday process and figures, and also doubles as brewday entertainment with tunes and wi fi.

If its not that, id have to say either my vac sealer, or my little brown pump, or STC1000.
My Pint Glass.

It is spectacular! It holds beer, and I can drink it!

I have a few that make my brewing a whole lot easier:
Cheapo ebay refractometer and pipette makes taking readings simple and quick
Electrical timer and stc-1000 to preheat strike water shortens brewday a whole lot
Stc-1000 on the fridge is also awesome for getting proper consistant fermentation temps
Vacuum sealer + cheapo ebay scale for grains and hops

Forgot the grain mill.. that sure comes in handy but dont know if you would call it a gadget
My Jaycar rattlesnake magnets. lots of uses around the brewery including easily extracting stirbars from erlenmeyers & fermenters, using as spare stirbars, holding my voile bag of dry hops clear of the fermenter bottom (learnt that one last week). Best $5 I ever spent. :beerbang:

my ass... i sit on it whilst I drink beer and wait for the mash/boil to finish!

the only problem is that I have to get off it every now and then and do stuff - need me a slave!
Hop scales from eBay for like 7$ delivered

TempMate (or STC-1000) with fridge + heatbelt + thermowell = set and forget fermenting all year round
I have a few that make my brewing a whole lot easier:
Cheapo ebay refractometer and pipette makes taking readings simple and quick
Electrical timer and stc-1000 to preheat strike water shortens brewday a whole lot
Stc-1000 on the fridge is also awesome for getting proper consistant fermentation temps
Vacuum sealer + cheapo ebay scale for grains and hops

Forgot the grain mill.. that sure comes in handy but dont know if you would call it a gadget
^ That list matches exactly, just add another stc-1000 for the beer-fridge and little-brown-pumps that I assume will be useful when I start to use them.
I like this thingy


I just wipe my stuff down every time I need to touch anything near/in the fermenter. I just cut a small square of paper towel and voila! clean thermo...voila clean hydro...voila clean airlock etc...
The tap on my kettle. Find it difficult to believe I used to brew without it.
My portable steam generator, now discontinued, but it is brilliant for santising the counter flow chiller, hosing, tube fittings, conical fermenter, kegs before filling them with beer and just about anything that is not made of glass or cheap plastic! Small items I wrap in foil like my oxygenation stainless airstone and put the nozzle into the foil package and let it rip.

Nothing can survive being pressurized and steamed for 10 minutes, well, nothing that is going to infect my brew at least.
My cheap ebay refractometer. I take gravity readings all the time now, sometimes too often
The camp chair one of my sons made at school; perfect height for bottling.

The two 20l pails from bunnings one with holes in the bottom the other with a tap. Great for draining the bag and thanks to Lord Raja Goomba for the idea!
Temp controlled fridge. I did a barley wine in 2004 before I had temp control. You'd be amazed how much heat gets generated when you dump a big arse barleywine onto a whole yeast cake. 1.090 to 1.020 overnight, and 28c. Ended up at 1.008 I think, and was terribly solventy, even after 4 years.
I probably can't say Braumeister as I haven't got it yet. Ill post again next week.

At the moment, its my digital pH meter with auto temp corrrection.
I'll say the temp controllers (stc-1000 etc)

Controlling fridges,
When I BIAB great easy to read digital thermometer
When I 3V, they control the HLT and RIMS

Also my mill
For how much trouble free crushing of the grain it has given me over the years.