Whats The Worst Beer You've Ever Tried?

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I've been calling him that for months. :icon_cheers:

edit: my update on worst beer was Beechworth/bridge road celtic red ale...if the 6er I got wasn't infected then it was just truly friggin horrible...

I got one of these the other day. Nice colour but really sour taste to it.
I've had a few of their beers in bottle and tap, all pretty decent apart that one (and only) Celtic.

but worst so far I've had is Barefoot radler. I knew it wasn't going to be much of a beer, but after a days work and the only thing in the house. I chose to drink it.
The Dogfish head Midas touch is pretty **** too.
tried an Endeavours 2010 Reserve Pale Ale last night, have to say it's up there on my list. no body whatsoever, it was like drinking hop flavoured water...

but i can't stand VB and Barefoot radlers either, cordial does not belong in beer!
emu export
Emu Bitter for me. I reckon it makes EE taste good!

VB gets a bit of a mention and technically I've had VB - once on a river cruise in 1st year uni and I have no memory of that pint. So I don't have a clue how VB tastes. Since it gets such a hard time I'm curious to what it's like...By the sounds of it I don't want to pay for it though!
tried an Endeavours 2010 Reserve Pale Ale last night, have to say it's up there on my list. no body whatsoever, it was like drinking hop flavoured water...

I disagree as there has not been anything really wrong with the ones I have had so far, fairly well balanced and reasonble grainy malt character.
tried an Endeavours 2010 Reserve Pale Ale last night, have to say it's up there on my list. no body whatsoever, it was like drinking hop flavoured water...

with a soft drinky fizziness
What was I thinking, this is rubbish

only if I had a cat to rid the taste
What was I thinking, this is rubbish
View attachment 45393
Mate , I have to agree ...
Although kudos to them for trying....
Thinking maybe we need a class action against the big boys for false and misleading advertising for their use of the words "blonde" when it's not..."fermented longer for a drier finish"'when it's bloody not...
I spoke to chuck Hahn at last years good food festival . I asked him 3 times did he brew at home...wouldn't answer the question..so in the end I said mate you are not answering my question..forget about it
Christmas Day 2009 was very hot; my Step Grand Daughter (if there is such a category of relation) arrived with a slab of Barefoot Radler and I drank a six pack. I quite enjoyed it :ph34r:

However the very worst would have to be Thirsty Dog wheat beer, now mercifully extinct. It's the only beer that has ever made me throw up in a car park.

Got given a 30 pack of powers gold at xmas time...not even my beer swilling mate would drink any of it when i offered it to him....it is the worst **** i have ever tried....10 times worse than vb...dont know how anyone can drink it....my worst ever homebrew was better tasting than this ****
Got given a 30 pack of powers gold at xmas time...not even my beer swilling mate would drink any of it when i offered it to him....it is the worst **** i have ever tried....10 times worse than vb...dont know how anyone can drink it....my worst ever homebrew was better tasting than this ****

When CUB bought the Powers Brewery at Yatala they bought the brand names. First they turned Powers Full Strength into undrinkable **** so that nobody bought it, so they could kill it off due to "lack of demand". However in order to keep hold of the Powers name they have to do a brew every so often (same as Geelong Bitter etc I believe). So they trot out that near beer crap - at 3% ABV how dare they even sell it as beer - and also reap a bit of a windfall at Xmas and Easter. There are a lot of people out there, mostly middle class or elderly people who only attend an okka BBQ (as opposed to the bowls club breakup or the office outing to la Brasserie Des Posh Cnuts) a couple of times a year, and aren't accustomed to the idea of bringing along a six pack or a slab.
The Powers Gold looks like beer, could well be beer although they wouldn't know because they usually drink Wolf Blass etc.

So they shift quite a few cartons for those specific holidays. As you mention, you got yours at Xmas.
#3 Can't remember the name of it. was a Chek beer i think. It had a mountain goat on the lable. (Dark Ale)
Velkopopovicky Kozel. I too saw it at Dan's once and was like "look! It comes from Plzen! Real Pilsner!" Got a bit of a hardon for 'real pilsners' after drinking Budejovicky Budvar and Staropramen in Czech Republic. Kozel however... give me a XXXX Bitter. I'm serious.

Here's what Wikipedia tells us:

Velkopopovick Kozel is a Czech lager produced since 1874[1]. In that year, Franz Ringhoffer founded a brewery in Velk Popovice (Gropopowitz) near Prague. Their symbol is a goat (Kozel, Gropopowitzer Ziegenbock).

In 1995, the company was purchased by the Radegast Brewery, which merged with the Plzeňsk Prazdroj, a. s. Brewery in 1999, only to be purchased by SABMiller the same year.

Within the Czech Republic, Kozel is available as a Pale, a Medium, a Premium, and a Dark beer.

Production has been licensed in Russia, Israel, Hungary, Ukraine and Slovakia, making Kozel the most popular Czech Beer outside the Czech Republic.[2]


Worst I've had lately was Redoak Pale Ale from Dan's. Sooooo sour. Obviously had gone off or something, because I had Redoak Pale before and it was excellent. We sent an email to Redoak about it and got no reply. Weren't going to bother talking to Dan's about it. So I talked to Phil from the Spotted Cow in Toowoomba about it, he said that Redoak has had a few bad batches, and the brewery are being absolute c**ts about it. So it probably wasn't even Dan's fault. The Cow won't get Redoak in any more. Good riddance.
Redoak Organic Ale...... :icon_vomit:
Had to be infected, or is that the flavour they are after....
seems like everyone has had the same experiance
Pretty dissapointing for "the most awarded brewery"

Digging up an old one here.

Ive bought two of these in 300ml stubbies on two separate occassions now from our local Dan Murphy's. The first one i took one sip and spat it out and immediately thought infection. It was sour. Lambic sour. I chucked that one down the sink and was very dissappointed as Id been looking forward to drink what is supposedly a well awarded beer. The best before was just over a month out of date too.

The second I got a week later, as I still really wanted to try it. Same thing. Really really sour. This one had NO best before date stamped on it (wtf?). I tipped this one too feeling really pissed off.

But it got me thinking. Is it supposed to be like that. I had a look at the reviews on ratebeer.com and found some who said it was sour and thought it was ok. Then some saying there were sweet malt flavours.

Can someone confirm that the Redoak organic pale ale is supposed to taste like a Pale ale should, or have they gone out on a limb and tried that bit too hard to push the style guide boundaries?

Either way i doubt I'll try it again.

besides a mate's home brew, Three Kings Dry Lager, that I picked up from Gloucester Celebrations yesterday, was right up there.

I don't usually comment on bad beers but I can't let this one go. My wife's Uncle brews K&K as warm as he can get them which is already quite bad but winter can yield some OK results. I was there over the weekend when I'm offered his latest Chili Beer. I have tried and liked Matso's Chili Beer so I gave it a go. After my face returned to it's natural colour and steam stopped coming from my ears I informed him the chili was supposed to be subtle not like eating a hand full of Habaneros. Even my eyes watered when I took a sip. He informed me this was the tame version for session drinking. I forced it down to be nice then went home and drunk about 2 liters of milk to cool my lips.

The worst beer I can actually remember was


Woolies DryDock

Since Woolies bought 23% of the brewery so they could fill empty trucks with cheap beer as they drive east from WA, they launched this house brand in their supermarkets and BWS/Dan Murphy's.

Gage Roads make some nice beers, but this is terrible.

I bought a case for My Dad-Be-que (celebrating impending dadhood), and we only finished a 6 pack.

I still have one bottle kicking about... most of the remainders have been half drunk by unsuspecting guests, or have been broken as they rolled out of the keg fridge.

The only beers which seem to have its fridge longevity are the light beers which you always end up with.

the worst ive had recently was a 4 pines kolsch i got from dans. it was like trying to drink a butterscotch lolly. i did quite like theyre stout though.

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