What's Santa Bringing?

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I've been a good boy, so Santa ordered some more gear. An 82.5 MJ turkey burner from Austcrown & 3 lovely Cascade beer tap tops...at $5.00 each what a bargain :super:
Santa - you've had your chance for well over 30 years and quite frankly you've dropped the ball on every occasion.
Poxy clothes, stupid waste of tree cards and weird sh!t, well stuff ya Santa!
This year I've set up a keg in a fridge full of delicious beer and it's going to be the best and drunkest Xmas yet, no thanks to you, so you can shove your candy canes and crap where it fits!

Bah Humbug!
Same as Tangent. The B@st@rd never brings me anything useful, so I end up going out and getting what I want, but, then Xmas is for the kids to enjoy and the parents to endure the company of family they don't like......... Oh, this year I"m getting an electric hedge trimmer and a chain saw. Ummmm, I see a pattern forming here.........
HOPEYE a chainsaw and an electric hedge trimmer. boy oh boy your wife wants some work done around the house buy the sounds of that :D

my wife is a ledgend this year she told santa to get me a ,micromatic and all the bits to get my keg system up and running .wooooo hooooo .and now GMK has got it all ready for santa to bring. santa is even bringing the gas to 40/60 mix .
i think my new year is gunna be good :p

MRS CLAUSE is a ledgend stuff sending wish letters to MR CLAUSE he always give me jocks (i reakon he is gay) cause he likes giving us blokes jocks , socks , and poofy looking shirts and ties. .
where MRS CLAUSE ROCKS. :lol:

A collection of glass Steins to add to my collection. It will be good to have some decent glassware :) (My ex-wife took *Everything* )
A beautiful new surfboard straight outta the shaping bay..... :D :D :D
but no holidays ta use it. :(
Brew like a monk and Designing great beers for me. Will be nice additions and looking forward to reading them. But they wont be here for christmas <_<

Other than that?? Who knows.

I'm making/building my Dad an electric water smoker for christmas to smoke chickens, wallabies, beef ect like the yanks do. Should be cool.

Cheers. JD
Just got a huge mecahnical bill due to the car breaking down.
Was on the way to Grain and Grape.

Thanks Santa :angry:
"... 3 dry stouts, 2 hefe weizens and a pale ale in a tall glass"

A few of the classic beer series and 60L fermenter is coming my way - should mean that I produce 60L of infected cloudy beer rather than 30 at a time :eek:

Oh well, with some better mashing equipment and some improved yeast management, I might start producing something worthy :beer:
:) New harris 601 reg thanks to GMK for my party set-up
:chug: Hopefully 1 hangover thank's to the planned boxing day BBQ B)
just received in the post yesterday.... Copy of Designing Great Beers.
and a New Greg Pullman dark Jarrah Tamper for my espresso set up. sweet!!
I got one too Kong.

Sweet tampers and great service by Greg. The wood gets nicer with further abuse. :beerbang:

Warren -
Arent they...!!!!!
i pulled my best shot yet on Silvia this morning...!
a piece of fine art the tamper is too..
as for service i ordered at 5pm on friday.. and had it (made to size) on tuesday.
Makes a huge difference.
KoNG said:
just received in the post yesterday.... Copy of Designing Great Beers.
and a New Greg Pullman dark Jarrah Tamper for my espresso set up. sweet!!

My God. I'm a bit of a coffee snob and have a great Krups Expresso machine at home, but didn't (or never really thought to look) for accessories such as tampers.
I think I'm only allowed one real obcession at home though. I remember doing the spreadsheet trying to justify the Krups Orchestro a few years back :p
The new Alesssi coffee machines look groovy though.

Santa is being very very ncie to me, leaving me a whole new brew setup: 58L legal keg converted to boiler, immersion chiller, 40L SS HLT, fermenters, bench capper and other bits and pieces.

I'll keep the good stuff, and sell on the rest, which will go to the grain mill fund. So if anyone in Perth wants some mashing gear, let me kmow and I'll see what GMB (grand master barfington) Enterprises can do.
I am getting two 60L aluminium pots, so i will be able to finish the latest changes to the "pallas green brewery"
well i know one of the presents im getting ,thats because i bought it,an alco meter,the missus cant drive anymore because she is ill so i have to drive when i go anywhere,so maybe i can squeeze in another couple of glasses over the course of the night,if i go any where i only ever have 2 beers even if im there for 4/5 hours,just in case

i hear you Ferg
nothing like a quick drive to hospital after a heap of pints on friday night :(
pulls the legs out of a good night out
KoNG said:
just received in the post yesterday.... Copy of Designing Great Beers.
and a New Greg Pullman dark Jarrah Tamper for my espresso set up. sweet!!

I've never heard of those tampers before and I don't mind a good coffee :ph34r: Our Krups blew up recently after about 2 years so I bought one of these bad boys a couple of weeks ago, they weigh a ton but what a great machine with a 5 year warranty:

