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Pils with magnum


At a recent party one of my wife's friends left the tap for this beer wedged open long enough to pour all over the bar and all over the floor before it was discovered. I was particularly annoyed about this today when I found this beer is actually quite good now. It had a bit of sulfur earlier on but that has all gone away, and the delicate (bittering only addition) hop aroma is the first thing that greets you in the glass.
Just kegged this hopburst IPA with Munich as a base & 18% dark wheat for lols. About 5g/l of cascade simcoe and mosaic, with a pinch of nelson in the keg. Goes alright!

Did you put any bittering hops in early in the boil Liam? Or any in the mash? Tried a hop burst ipa today and keen to see how it goes. Heavy on the hops at the end but it smelt great.
I started dropping them in at 40 mins, went heavier at the end. Also some in the cube, and attempted a mini boil with some more on pitching day. Dropped 10g of nelson flowers when force carbing. Tasted pretty bitter as it was fermenting but it's settled right down now, maybe somewhere around 60-70 IBU. It's hard to tell because it's a smooth bitterness. Finished at 1.016 so it's got plenty of body too.
Sounds nice. Here's hoping mine follows suit. I only added a pinch at sixty minutes. 11 grams for a 45 litre pre boil volume. The rest at fifteen and 0 mins. And ran a bunch of hops in the rocket. Was aiming For 50-55 IBU. So the late additions were pretty big. Put a dent in my hop reserves
English Pale Ale. So good after a hot day on the roof. F'n birds...
This was kegged yesterday and already has such a tight head and creamy mouthfeel. Pretty happy with it. I have another keg of this carbonating naturally, ready for the hand pump.

english pale.jpg
dent said:
Pils with magnum


At a recent party one of my wife's friends left the tap for this beer wedged open long enough to pour all over the bar and all over the floor before it was discovered. I was particularly annoyed about this today when I found this beer is actually quite good now. It had a bit of sulfur earlier on but that has all gone away, and the delicate (bittering only addition) hop aroma is the first thing that greets you in the glass.

I'm not really a lager drinker but that looks bloody nice!
I just had to change my boxers about two minutes after seeing that.

Here's the keg version of the National comps second place in the Pale Lagers. Australian Standard Lager. CUB will have to take out a hit on me :)

aussie comp 2013.jpg
About to hopefully have a bottle of the stout I entered in the BABBs mini-comp ages ago. Took a couple of bottles to work for someone else and forgot about them in the back of our 3rd fridge. A co-worker just found them and asked me if I knew what they were.... almost as good as Florian showing up to that mini-comp with a bottle of the previous batch from a case swap 6 months earlier (I had finished all of my bottles of the original batch before finding out that others thought it was all right, best beer I've brewed and I gave half of it away in a case swap).

Here's hoping that they're still ok despite a bit of unintentional 'lagering'.

This: Knocking out a low ABV saison to quaff next weekend

SessionSaison (Saison)

Original Gravity (OG): 1.034 (°P): 8.5
Final Gravity (FG): 1.003 (°P): 0.8
Alcohol (ABV): 4.01 %
Colour (SRM): 2.4 (EBC): 4.7
Bitterness (IBU): 26.2 (Average - No Chill Adjusted)

62.5% Pilsner
31.25% Wheat Malt
3.12% Acidulated Malt
3.12% Flaked Oats

0.4 g/L El Dorado (15.8% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)
0.5 g/L El Dorado (15.8% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil)
0.5 g/L El Dorado (15.8% Alpha) @ 0 Days (Dry Hop)

Single step Infusion at 64°C for 90 Minutes. Boil for 70 Minutes

Fermented at ambient (20-30°C) with belle saison

Recipe Generated with BrewMate

EDIT: retardation

Hit 1.038 - ended up at 4.5% abv.
Filtered because why not.
Tastes mighty fine!

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Vienna Lager. Matured nicely over the last few months. Might have gone even better in the state comp at this age ;)

English bitter, just got the handpump going again after being overseas for a few months and trying to avoid brewing to get througn stocks. Probably too fresh but why not

drinking this, the 2015; a Vienna and Galaxy smash using coopers yeast. took a while for the strong yeast and hop flavours to mellow out (about 5 weeks) but now they're nice and in synergy.


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