Whats In The Glass

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Just opened brewtarget and almost all my recipes have disappeared :(
I think from memory it was 15% crystal80 5% wheat and 80% pale malt. Citra at 60 Cascade and Amarillo at 20 and flameout.
1038 OG. 30 IBU

EDIT: I forgot the critical step of spilling some of the sparge on the sink and/or floor. Helps keep the OG down :s
Sierra madre pale ale. Dry hopped with cascade flowers. Best I have ever made. But i did say that about the last one. And the one that came before that.
my latest apa using galaxy citra and mosaic 200g of hops in 21l. 200g of hops 55 ibu :icon_drool2: citra mosaic galaxy.jpg
Blonde Ale. Galaxy malt, Vienna, Melanoidin and some sugaz with Hallertau Mit and 1272 at 15'. Lagerish.

jyo said:
Blonde Ale. Galaxy malt, Vienna, Melanoidin and some sugaz with Hallertau Mit and 1272 at 15'. Lagerish.

Looks mighty fine. Did you fine?

Edit: iPad autocorrect bbrrr!
JotaIgna said:
You did fine.
Thanks, mate. ;)
Haha. No, didn't use gelatine, just a few weeks in the keg. Chucked this one in the state comp this weekend, so will be good to get the feedback/advice.
Yes, I have hops.

I was just remarking these pics will be common now...which is a good thing.
Both the photo and the beer would have been better had the yeast not stirred up into the glass.

I didn't think BRY97 would do this. But otherwise has been the perfect yeast.

This is an American Dunkel Rye/Wheat with understated American hopping. I know, like Goomba ever doing subtle American hops. Well I did. I quite like this. Sort of a darker than it tastes looking beer with lots of spritz, fruitiness (not hop wise - wheat wise) and subtle enough spice to balance. I reckon this would have been fantastic had I not stirred up the yeast.

lukiferj said:
Potentially because he used their nappy to rest his beer on :p
Naah that's the paper towel, they put dots on them so that when you can't see straight you can mop up beer that bubbles over.

Trying to figure out what's in the hallway, but way too lazy to get up.

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