Whats In The Glass

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Irish red.
U can see the coaster thru it. Bit of roast, 1084 touch of carared. Perfect rainy day beer. Go the wallabies ! Hope I don't have too many of these prior to kick off :)

mckenry said:
Irish red.
U can see the coaster thru it. Bit of roast, 1084 touch of carared. Perfect rainy day beer. Go the wallabies ! Hope I don't have too many of these prior to kick off :)

Looks great, does the carared make all the difference?
Edak said:
Looks great, does the carared make all the difference?
In colour? No, I looked up this recipe and I used Carared and caraaroma at a touch under 5% each and roasted barley (NOT roast malt) at 1%

That makes the difference ;) Looks better in the daytime. Red beer, translucent, with bright white head.

I've been playing with this recipe for a long time and its still not perfect IMO. Just jigging those %'s to get it just right. Even at 1% roasted barley, its a bit roast forward, but colour is great. Might make it 0.5% roasted next time. Have to wait for conditioning though. Even tougher ask.
Cheers, I was hinting to the colour. I just brewed a red and it's not as red as I hoped. I used GP (57%), Vienna (23%), Melanoidin (7%), Carared (6%), M-Crystal (5%), Roasted Barley (2%). It's more brown then red, but not bottled/kegged yet so the colour might not be accurate yet.
You can get a really red beer with just base and roasted barley, but its fairly bland. What I'm trying to do is keep it red but make it interesting too. Trickier than it sounds. Yours sounds interesting but prob too dark as well ;)
Dark mild whilst watching the Roosters and Silvertails go at it. Possibly my favourite brewed beer. Its goes with cold nights like a warm fire.

IMG_2208.jpg IMG_2209.jpg

Two shots of the same beer, an Aussie Megaswill Lager, from waggastew's brewery.

It's actually somewhat better than its name suggests, as there is a subtle hop character in the aroma from the Cluster hops, it has decent body, and also some subtle malt and hop flavour on the palate.

The beer is quite clear, the photos show some condensation on the glass.

An easy drinking session beer, very refreshing.
Another of waggastew's triumphs, his 2013 SCB Harvest Ale at 7.5% ABV.

As he describes it:

"Brewed exclusively with Chinook hops grown in waggastew's own backyard. This recipe is based on the mysterious Stone's Arrogant Bastard. A big dark malty ale that is only just balanced by the fresh grapefruit hop aroma and bitterness of the 2013 crop of Chinook."

That's an accurate description of the beer. The beer is actually quite clear. It has a malty sweet aroma, along with some hop character. It has a dense rocky head that refused to die even when the glass is drained. The palate has loads of chewy malt character, with the darker specialty malts giving it complexity. Alcohol is noticeable, but it's sweet character is not intrusive, and there is no harshness. There is hop character, but it is dominated by the malt. The beer could easily carry another 10 IBU at least to help clean up the finish.

A great beer to drink on a cold winter's day.

Edak said:
Cheers, I was hinting to the colour. I just brewed a red and it's not as red as I hoped. I used GP (57%), Vienna (23%), Melanoidin (7%), Carared (6%), M-Crystal (5%), Roasted Barley (2%). It's more brown then red, but not bottled/kegged yet so the colour might not be accurate yet.
If you want red use caararoma instead of carared.
All Zythos pale ale. Such a great beer it's going to be a regular. Wish I knew the hop bill? It must be Cascade, Amarillo but I can't get the rest maybe Simcoe or Columbus?

Gav80 said:
All Zythos pale ale. Such a great beer it's going to be a regular. Wish I knew the hop bill? It must be Cascade, Amarillo but I can't get the rest maybe Simcoe or Columbus?
What was your hop schedule? What flavours you get coming through? Got some Zythos i need to get through, my latest attempt at an APA with 50/50 zythos and summit was destroyed by the summit.

It was created to help address the shortages of Amarillo, Citra, SImcoe. Palisade. Def some columbus in there, maybe a small amount of chinook?