Haters' gonna hate
Speaking of old...

Old Ale. 1 year in the bottle. A few months ago was the last time I tried it, and I thought "nah... Not an old fan". Following reading I decided to hold off and **** I'm glad I did. Sweet aroma of raisins, plum and chutney that delight. To sip there's a complex hit of all the above, with a hint of sherry and a warmth in the background that doesn't scream alcohol like it did a few months ago (8.7%). Incredibly complex flavours and genuinely enjoyable, emphasising that good brewing requires patience. ****** iPhone photo does it zero justice. The aroma of this beer really is something else. I'm grinning like an idiot.

Old Ale. 1 year in the bottle. A few months ago was the last time I tried it, and I thought "nah... Not an old fan". Following reading I decided to hold off and **** I'm glad I did. Sweet aroma of raisins, plum and chutney that delight. To sip there's a complex hit of all the above, with a hint of sherry and a warmth in the background that doesn't scream alcohol like it did a few months ago (8.7%). Incredibly complex flavours and genuinely enjoyable, emphasising that good brewing requires patience. ****** iPhone photo does it zero justice. The aroma of this beer really is something else. I'm grinning like an idiot.