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Speaking of old...
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Old Ale. 1 year in the bottle. A few months ago was the last time I tried it, and I thought "nah... Not an old fan". Following reading I decided to hold off and **** I'm glad I did. Sweet aroma of raisins, plum and chutney that delight. To sip there's a complex hit of all the above, with a hint of sherry and a warmth in the background that doesn't scream alcohol like it did a few months ago (8.7%). Incredibly complex flavours and genuinely enjoyable, emphasising that good brewing requires patience. ****** iPhone photo does it zero justice. The aroma of this beer really is something else. I'm grinning like an idiot.
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Sunrise with Mel and Kolschie with #2565 yeast. Probably not my best beer, perhaps could have fermented a little lower than 18 degrees. Yeast wouldn't drop out of suspension and couldn't be bothered filtering.
Brewed these for a mates wedding this weekend.

The bridal party is ready.


Wookie Wed Wye IPA

And... The Dirty Mongrel Groomsman.

Ciderman said:
Yeast wouldn't drop out of suspension and couldn't be bothered filtering.
I've had great results fining my kolsch with gelatine. Gelatine and two weeks in cold crash and they've been crystal clear.
Mardoo said:
I've had great results fining my kolsch with gelatine. Gelatine and two weeks in cold crash and they've been crystal clear.
I'm yet to try gelatine. I generally get pretty good results but it's on my to do list, research wise. As for the Kolsch, I actually bottled that for Easter holidays. Damn thing still had active Krausen after 3 weeks so I was time restricted to clear it. I'm a bit over Kolsch to be honest but if I ever make it again (and keg it) I'll try the gelatine.
Technoc, for a batch of 10.5 litres -

61% JW pale
25% Munich I
4% BB dark crystal
1.5% pale chocolate malt
9% sugaz

Mash at 68°C for an OG of 1.079, FG 1.014

45g EKG @ 60 mins
50g EKG @ 10 mins

Used 1728 scottish ale at 20°C

I left the portion of the sugar out of the boil for bottling. Age for 1 year, no less.
Ciderman said:
I'm yet to try gelatine. I generally get pretty good results but it's on my to do list, research wise. As for the Kolsch, I actually bottled that for Easter holidays. Damn thing still had active Krausen after 3 weeks so I was time restricted to clear it. I'm a bit over Kolsch to be honest but if I ever make it again (and keg it) I'll try the gelatine.
Mate over Kolsch you have to be kidding me

No fair enough if you are over it no probs but you fermented at 18 c try 16 c

Out of curiosity what was you're grain bill

I usually ferment for 2 weeks it goes gang busters for me it really attenuates well but patients grasshopper, need to drop the yeast out, it will drop

First one I did is my best fermented @ 15 for 2weeks all pils Best malz cced for 6 weeks, 2 weeks in keg come into its own
no water adjustments then just no chlorine just looking at notes now

Pitched 13/10/14 og 1050 14 c
23/10/14 raised to 16 c 1010-1011
25/10/14 raised to18c
28/10/14 fg 1009 1008
cc ed @ 1c kegged bottled 14/12/14

Might want to get you're ca up to 50ppm this will help it drop out

You are using the right yeast 2565 :icon_drool2:

You do need a bit of fridge ferment keezer space though

When you bottle pour easy no yeast imo

Some good threads on AHB in styles by stux

Not having a go at ya mate but it is very rewarding style yeast driven simple with small variations eg wheat added
I use German Tettnang to about 17 - 24 IBUs

Anyway hope I have inspired you to have another go down the track all the best
Oh one more thing no horses hoofs for me just personal preference
93% Pilsner
3.5% Vienna and Wheat.

Tettnang to 25 IBU

I'll give it another go some point in the future. I know temperature was an issue so I'll correct that next time.
American Pale Ale for Friday arvo beer.

Mosaic/Cascade to 40ibu @ 20,10 and cube. Dry hopped with Citra/Mosaic

Klassic kolsch from the book kolsch.

Wey pils 90%
Wey wheat 10%

Saphire 40 min 25 ibu

Wyeast kolsch

3 days after gelatine and its clearing up nicely.
Another few days and it should be bright.

Very nice kolsch with a slight spiceyness from the saphire hop.
Lacey white head all the way down.

My clone of James Squire's Highwayman.


Been a while since I've had it on tap down in Melbourne so unsure if it's still available or the same recipe (this is close to what I remember though).
Just had a sneaky taste of my first sour beer. Just over 4 months since I put it down and transferred to the serving keg tonight. Used Gigayeast sour cherry funk. My god, that name says it all! The Brett has not dropped at all so the beer looks the part (funky). But I will definitely be brewing with this yeast regularly in the future. No photo, will try and take one tomorrow during our local Brett beer Comp.
My Irish red is now cleared and tasting pretty great. Really happy how this one turned out and super happy with the colour, was worried it was going to be more amberish bit turned out quite red. Bit dangerous, wouldn't pick it for 6.2%. Its sweetish but the bitterness balances it so its not cloying. Late EKG works well

Unseasonably warm weather today, so I'll go for one of my 'summer' beers.

Rhubarb saison:

Mostly pils and wheat + 10% sugar. 2.5kg rhubarb for the 23L total.

EKG and Willamette for bittering, dash of late saaz, probably ended up around 20 IBU after I take the starter and rhubarb boil vols into account. Water treated to favor sulphates plus some acidulated malt in there too.

OG 1.052, wyeast Belgian saison took it down to 1.002 in 4 weeks. Pitched at around 20°, ramped up to 25 overnight and set to 30° by the second day.

Tart, funky, and refreshing.
Black IPA side by side with its inspiration. Mine is on the right. Head was better but the iPad had a spack so it took a while to take the photo. Both have a good malt backbone but the Feral has a bit more richness. Still quite happy with mine.
