Whats In The Glass

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Mrs Spork has my camera, so still no pics.

Trying my Toucan / Larger Lager at the moment. (1 can stout, 1 can lager, 1 pack Coopers BE #1, 2 x coopers kit yeasts)
This fermented for about 4 1/2 weeks, and has been in the bottle for just over a month.

Criticisms: perhaps a touch undercarbed, although poured with a great head, but head did not last long.
Not much / no aroma, but then there were no hops used, just what was in the cans.

Pro's: I'm pleasantly surprised! The "In date" cans of goo, and temperature controlled fermentation have made a world of difference between this (my 3rd ever brew) and my first attempt. This is as good as anything my bro-in-law brews, and he's been brewing for a few years now! I'm almost tempted to go to Woolies tomorrow and grab a couple more tins of goo just so I can have something in the fermenter... :)
Treading water with K&K at the moment.. hanging to get into AG... but need to finish some home renos first.

This is a Coopers Dark Ale with 500g of LDME and 1kg BE2. Filtered, kegged and force carbed this evening.

US-05 at 18deg.

View attachment 47473

(Edit yeast info)

Nice looking beer!

Just out of interest, what camera did you use?

Amin's 10 minute Citra IPA


I can see why a lot of people like this Citra Hop. I have now popped my citra cherry! :p

Cracking beer this one.

Thick white effervescent head with great lacing of the glass. Long lasting too.
Medium to high carbonation with big citrus like aroma on the nose.
Medium mouthfeel and well balanced even though there is some strong but not harsh bitterness.

Could easily go another one of these. A tasty drop!
I don't normally brew wheat beers......But I had a crack for a recent comp...The Irony is it wasn't quite ready in time...so I was kinda spewin to be stuck with a keg of beer that I wouldn't normally associate with my brewery.

Well I can tell you.....After working in the sun all day.

The Toybox Hefeweizen was a fantastic lawnmower beer :lol: .....I had several.



English IPA straight from the fermentor!

Enjoying this the way Butters taught me :icon_drunk:


Are you the one posting rumors about the iPhone5 goomba?
My missus acquired (For free from my brother) his old iphone (he got the Samsung Galaxy S2).

That picture is me trying to get it to talk to ubuntu (and figure out how to get music to actually work without paying for itunes music).

I'm a freetard (hence the reason I brew as well), I hate apple. But my missus has actually been believing all the marketing.

A week with an iphone has cured her of wanting any apple product ever again. Not quite to the ideological means as to why I hate them, but the end justifies the means.

She now believes in Android, not apple's marketing. She's been cured of isheephood.

Anywho, this is a beer forum. Look at my beer, it's nice. Look at the recipe in my sig and make it. It's cheap and tasty. :lol:

10 minute PA. 400 gm Styrians at 10 minutes. This is my first time fermenting with Coopers bottle yeast. The pear of the Coopers yeast goes soooo well with the earth and spiciness of the Styrians.
This won't last long here...

Looks like a thang of beauty! 1LB of hops per batch.... wow! thats almost a hopping rate of 20g/L. :beerbang:
Anywho, this is a beer forum. Look at my beer, it's nice. Look at the recipe in my sig and make it. It's cheap and tasty. :lol:


Have something similar down for friday except im not using Hallertauer but will have to get some as i hear they quite delicious.
Have something similar down for friday except im not using Hallertauer but will have to get some as i hear they quite delicious.

Mine was actually Smaragd (not Hallertauer), but of course the recipe DB doesn't have it.

It's a cheap, German hop from craftbrewer (one of the cheapest in fact) - malt came to $3.50 per KG for the base malt, and a little BB caramalt (because it was cheaper than caramunich), just to prove that the cheapest beer I can make can also be really tasty.

Had another pint (or more) last night. Really nice balanced beer.

Wow, that is cheap. I'll add it to my shopping cart. Gotta love the 5kg deals from CB :beer:
10 minute PA. 400 gm Styrians at 10 minutes. This is my first time fermenting with Coopers bottle yeast. The pear of the Coopers yeast goes soooo well with the earth and spiciness of the Styrians.
This won't last long here...

View attachment 47497

I've got to stop reading this thread while I'm at work and too far from a beer!!!
Here's a picture of my IPA from my "What the hell is wrong with my IPA" rant in my blog. Sadly it took me so long to get the light right so I could show a good indication of the color that the head dropped, but what the hell, you'll have to trust me when I say that the head is very dense and thick. This was kegged 1 week ago and had no finings in the mash, fermenter or keg.
Oh, I forgot to say it tastes nice too.


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