Whats In The Glass Pics

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Speaking of Kolsch..........

here is the one i have on tap ATM.

just cracked the keg yesterday.

quite happy. Its a bit fruity but its still young, although i dont think it will last. Its too easy to drink :party:


Nice work guys, very mout-watering indeed...

Heres my effort on a Becks lager:


...and again to show clarity [different glass as well]

A Far Kin Ale

Rain today and low cloud in the high country this afternoon,life doesn't get much better than this :)


wow batz, looks like you live in paradise :p
yeah but is there any work up there batz ??
I love this thread, but will have to defile it with something other than beer:


Crisp, well carbed and can be used as a real legopener conversation starter with the ladies. Ahem, who are my wife, since she is looking over my shoulder! :p
Nice work guys, very mout-watering indeed...

Heres my effort on a Becks lager:

...and again to show clarity [different glass as well]


Boingk - I love this one - the paracetamol is all ready to go in the background!!

Tony - A kolsch just HAS to be my next brew. It will be my first, the last one I tasted was in Cologne about 6 years ago! If I can produce something like that....I'll be chuffed.
ahhh ok

as much as id like to at the moment i cant afford to liev without a work generated income ....
Batz i really hope noone ever gets that view of yours and turns it into a coal mine and power station.

housing prices would double and jobs would abound but that view.......... some things arnt worth giving up hey :)

Batz i really hope noone ever gets that view of yours and turns it into a coal mine and power station.

housing prices would double and jobs would abound but that view.......... some things arnt worth giving up hey :)


I wouldn't have to travel as far for shutdown work then Tony.

I wouldn't have to travel as far for shutdown work then Tony.


know that feeling :angry:

back on topic, nothing in the glass unfortunately.

Bad photo, chill haze, but a lovely day for a Cascade Summer Ale...*


*Photo taken last weekend. If only I could drink at 11am on a Tuesday :rolleyes:
If only I could drink at 11am on a Tuesday...

Bugwan - shoulda been here for our pub-run! 18 hours of drinking starting at 6:30am, ended for me at 12.30am that night after I realised there was not much more excitement to be had out of the day. PS, not a bad looking beer...I find that all mine come out v. clear once I leave them for several weeks in the bottle. Not too sure why though, no hot breaks, no boiling, no cool-down, no nothing. Just out of the can and in with the sugar, all into the fermenter.


EDIT: That is to say, in with the brewing sugars and/or DME/LME!
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