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End of Project drinks & the Lowenbrau was tasting good. Everyone else was drinking new, light or stella. Phillistines !

9 month old 9% Belgian Tripel with WLP530 :beerbang:

Perfect drinking while waiting for the boil


First stout for winter - after all the talk lately over Oatmeal Stout - I had to brew one.

Bloody looooovely :beer:
First crack at a Bier de Mars. Been in the keg for a month or so conditioning.
Tasting bloody awesome.
Here is a crappy shot of it.


Biere de Mars? Care to expand on that interesting name? (or point me to the relevant thread)

Biere de Mars? Care to expand on that interesting name? (or point me to the relevant thread)


Bascially a variation of Bier de Garde.
Here is the details on Bier de Garde with the reference to Bier de Mars,


16D. Bire de Garde

Aroma: Prominent malty sweetness, often with a complex, light to moderate toasty character. Low to moderate esters. Little to no hop aroma (may be a bit spicy). Commercial versions will often have a musty, woodsy, cellar-like character that is difficult to achieve in homebrew. Paler versions will still be malty but will lack richer, deeper aromatics and may have a bit more hops. No diacetyl.

Appearance: Three main variations exist (blond, amber and brown), so color can range from golden blonde to reddish-bronze to chestnut brown. Clarity is good to poor, although haze is not unexpected in this type of often unfiltered beer. Well-formed head, generally white to off-white (varies by beer color), supported by high carbonation.

Flavor: Medium to high malt flavor often with a toasty, toffee-like or caramel sweetness. Malt flavors and complexity tend to increase as beer color darkens. Low to moderate esters and alcohol flavors. Medium-low hop bitterness provides some support, but the balance is always tilted toward the malt. The finish is medium-dry and malty. Alcohol can provide some additional dryness in the finish. Low to no hop flavor, although paler versions can have slightly higher levels of spicy hop flavor (which can also come from the yeast). Smooth, well-lagered character. No diacetyl.

Mouthfeel: Medium to medium-full body, often with a smooth, silky character. Moderate to high carbonation. Moderate alcohol, but should be very smooth and never hot.

Overall Impression: A fairly strong, malty, lagered artisanal farmhouse ale.

History: Name literally means "beer which has been kept or lagered." A traditional artisanal farmhouse ale from Northern France brewed in early spring and kept in cold cellars for consumption in warmer weather. It is now brewed year-round. Related to the Belgian Saison style, the main difference is that the Bire de Garde is rounder, richer, sweeter, malt-focused, often has a "cellar" character, and lacks the spicing and tartness of a Saison.

Comments: Three main variations are included in the style: the brown (brune), the blond (blonde), and the amber (ambre). The darker versions will have more malt character, while the paler versions can have more hops (but still are malt-focused beers). A related style is Bire de Mars, which is brewed in March (Mars) for present use and will not age as well.

Ingredients: The "cellar" character in commercial examples is unlikely to be duplicated in homebrews as it comes from indigenous yeasts and molds. Commercial versions often have a "corked", dry, astringent character that is often incorrectly identified as "cellar-like." Homebrews therefore are usually cleaner. Base malts vary by beer color, but usually include pale, Vienna and Munich types. Darker versions will have richer malt complexity and sweetness from crystal-type malts. Lager or ale yeast fermented at cool ale temperatures, followed by long cold conditioning. Soft water. Floral or spicy continental hops.
Vital Statistics:
1.060 - 1.080 1.012 - 1.018 20 - 30 6 - 19 6 - 8%

Commercial Examples: Jenlain (brown), St. Amand (brown), Ch'Ti Brun (brown), Ch'Ti Blond (blond), La Choulette (all 3 versions), La Choulette Bire des Sans Culottes (blonde), Saint Sylvestre 3 Monts (blonde), Biere Nouvelle (brown), Castelain (blonde), Jade (amber), Brasseurs Bire de Garde (amber)
heres a kilkenny type clone i knocked up a while back , partial mash , not bad but i cant get the carb right in the keg

pic also shows the engravings on the stein quite nicely, hops one side and barley the other ...

(color isnt that dark either more coppery not blackish like the pic shows)

Smoked Robust Porter kegged yesterday and carbed lightly, very creamy.


That looks wonderful Andrew,just the thing for a cool Kin Kin night.

Batz :party:

Cheers Jeff, a bit of a mongrel compared to your smoked porter but tasty none the less, and a bit sweeter too.
Are you still after one of those old barrels for a urinal? If so let me know.

Are they your choice in curtains? :D


:lol: Sadly I have no choice in the interior decorating of our house, every time Lisa goes shopping I cringe at the thought of what else I will have to hang up :blink: .

Well it's after 12pm and the Continuous Call Team are on the radio, time for a beer :beerbang:

Vienna Lager, brewed with S-189 awesome yeast :super:


Duff, that truly is a beautiful looking beer, is the recipe posted anywhere? I am quite partial to a Vienna.
Did you filter that?

Hi Andrew,

Yes I cheat and filter :p PM me your address and I'll post a bottle up.



07-15 Vienna Lager II

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 40.00 Wort Size (L): 40.00
Total Grain (kg): 8.50
Anticipated OG: 1.050 Plato: 12.48
Anticipated SRM: 6.3
Anticipated IBU: 27.4
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 90 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
70.6 6.00 kg. Weyermann Vienna Germany 1.038 4
23.5 2.00 kg. Weyermann Pilsner Germany 1.038 2
5.9 0.50 kg. JWM Caramalt Australia 1.036 28

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
50.00 g. Mt. Hood Pellet 5.00 20.5 60 min.
50.00 g. Mt. Hood Pellet 5.00 6.9 20 min.


S-189 Swiss Lager
K+K APA kegged Tuesday.
In newly aquired Heineken glass.
Got a set of six.
Now I understand why SHMBO needs such a big handbag.

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