That's lovely. I can almost taste it. When? Hint..hint...hint...
That's a pretty colour. I am chasing something like that. How did you get it?
Just to show you that it doesn't all come out beer & skittles, here's a picture of a technically flawed beer. 'scuse the backyard.
1.045 45IBU Strong Pale Ale - no 3rd hand applied

What went wrong?
Water adjustment at pre-boil (I NEVER do this....what posessed me!) without due consideration to pre-boil boil pH. Couple that with a medium floc. yeast in poor condition (old White Lab Prem. Bitter) - whallah!
If you filter, then it really doesn't matter if you $%ck up or not.
Personally I prefer to learn how to do it right, and consequently when you stuff up, you pay the price.
That's how it is. Moral to the story.....do it the way you have been doing it. Don't be silly & ignore what you've learnt. That's not for you, that''s a reminder for me!
That said, the combo of Brambling Cross, Amarillo, Northdown, Challenger & 3 plugs of Goldings @ flameout are starting to endear themselves to me (with eyes shut)
PS: Yes, it's a badly washed glass as well! :-()