Whats In The Glass Pics

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Hop 10 Cubed

That is one sweet looking hop monster CJ. One wicked protein filled head too, or is that the slightly overcarbonated bit ?
I'll either be dry hopping my Infinity + 1 again this week or kegging it. Either way I'll post a piccie.

I'll either be dry hopping my Infinity + 1 again this week or kegging it. Either way I'll post a piccie.

Again Doc, AGAIN!! :beerbang:
Jaysus redbeard! That beer looks like it's made out of 5kg of Carapils! :ph34r: :D
What's the grainbill? All Weyermann Pils malt?


4kg jw pils + 4kg raw wheat + 0.3kg rolled oats
When the supplies run out a nice pint of LCPA on a hot day goes down a treat.
Its the price i paid for an interstate move Finite but im getting there.

Big D
I was there too Big D.

I ran out and had to buy beer.

James Squire and LC beers it was......... i wasnt buying any VB

Got a bit expensive though,

I now have 150 liters of beer brewed so all is well again.

Good luck with your new spot and brewing mate

I've made many Alts in my AG life time but this one is as good as I make

Yumbo :beerbang:

View attachment 11011

I can see this keg getting a hammering tonight

Mmmmm Altbeir.Very nice indeed Batz now could you move the glass please your blocking the view. ;)

Big D
Mmmmm Altbeir.Very nice indeed Batz now could you move the glass please your blocking the view. ;)

Big D

You and the wife get over here and have a look yourselves Dave
Plenty of beds at the cave

I've made many Alts in my AG life time but this one is as good as I make
Yumbo :beerbang:
View attachment 11011

I can see this keg getting a hammering tonight


Batz, you gotta stop showing the front yard in your beer pics :D some of us get jealous. Mumble, mumble..........dirty.....mumble......rotten, mumble......lucky...bastard.......mumble...mumble.
Nors, there's gotta be a story behind that name"?

Yeah, there is a story, not extremely interesting mind you... My girlfriend (her pet name is "chirpy-bird") only drinks the megaswill beers and I thought that I might be able to turn her on to some other styles of beer. I figured that she might like a hefe, so I named this one after her. Sadly she didn't like the banana taste. So my next attempt is to get her with my Simcoe APA.
I'm with you Devo.

Although I get some funny looks at work drooling all over my keyboard at 9.30am at photos of beer.
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